Hard Checked (Ice Kings #4) - Stacey Lynn Page 0,65

when it’s time to head out, I tuck a whining Bruiser into his doggie room with the promise I’ll see him later and meet Sebastian in his garage and Maserati.

By the time I’m back home, I drop off my bag there, take a few minutes to change my clothes and head back down to the office to get work done before we open.

Surprisingly, my dad is behind his old metal desk, reading glasses perched on the end of his nose.

“Late night?”

“Dad.” He hasn’t acted like an overprotective dad giving me that disapproving look in way too long for me to back down to it now.

“He’s not in the right headspace for what you need, Gigi.”

“You don’t know anything about his headspace.” In all honesty, his headspace is murky. There are moments he looks at me when I know he’s seeing me. Liking me. And then there are moments when I can see him thinking. Wondering if doing anything with me is the right decision.

After this weekend, the only thing I think we’re both clear about is that we like each other.

And the sex is amazing.

Since I’m the one who brought up keeping it casual, I plan on sticking to it. For at least as long as my heart can handle keeping its distance. I can already feel the pull to him, but I’m the girl who’s getting the boy after a year-long plus crush, so I’ve already been emotionally invested.

This is all new to him, and I understand what he’s going through to an extent. I’m willing to be patient.

Staring down my dad and having the talk with him about choices in men is not going to happen.

“You’re the one who’s been worried I’m not out with friends anymore. Or anyone, you know. Now I’ve found someone I enjoy spending time with. Leave it at that.”

The tension around his eyes softens and he taps the pen to the desk slowly. “You know I love you.”

“I’ve never doubted it and I never will.”

“And you know I want what’s best for you.”


“That’s it. That’s all I’m sayin’, all right, butterfly?”

I lean across the desk and kiss his cheek, making an obnoxiously loud smooching sound. “I know. Don’t worry about me so much.”

It’s not until later in the night that I realize he never once brought up the bar, and I didn’t have the guts to do it either.

As soon as I hesitate, I imagine my dad pulling the deal and selling it to the next bidder.

And I still can’t decide if it’s what I want or not.

Chapter Twenty-Two


I’m drying my hair with a towel, shoulders shaking with laughter as I watch Sebastian in the mirror, twisting and bending his tall frame in my shower that’s not sized for tall people.

“Stop laughing,” he grumbles, glancing at me. “The things I do for you, woman.”

He came to the bar last night like he’s been doing a couple nights a week when he’s in town for the few weeks. Every time he showers at my place before heading back to his, I’m entertained watching him contort his body to get clean.

No shower sex here, folks. It’s in no way possible.

“Trust me. I love all the things you do to me.”

My eyes widen at my reflection as I realize what I said. That pesky four-letter word came out of nowhere, or rather, all the places I’ve been trying not to admit to myself—and definitely not to Sebastian.

“Same here,” he says, either unaffected by my usage or maybe he misheard it over the water running. “Especially when you use your mouth and hand to—”

“I get it!” I say it loudly, making sure he hears and hang up my towel. I’m already dressed for a stroll around Charlotte where I plan on grabbing coffee at one of my favorite little places near NoDa and spending the morning and most of the day taking pictures.

Sebastian and I have been spending almost all of our free time together for the last three weeks. I’m learning during the season and with my late schedule, it doesn’t really leave a lot of time together. But, if I was forced to admit to anyone, I’d say the last three weeks have been three of the best weeks of my life. Better than the cooking classes I took in Italy. Better than strolling through the coastal streets of Saint Tropez in the French Riviera.

Better than all the times I spent in Europe, alone.

Sebastian and I, in some strange way I never expected or saw

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