Hard Checked (Ice Kings #4) - Stacey Lynn Page 0,50

else I’d want more running George’s than you.”

“Thanks, Dad. It means a lot you’d trust me with this.”

“I’d trust you with anything, butterfly. Now come give your old man a kiss before I take off.”

He doesn’t even have to ask. I round the bar and plant a kiss on his cheeks, squeezing him tight. “Love you, Dad.”

“Always love you.”

He unwraps my arms from his waist, because somehow they’ve cemented themselves to him. Thinking of my dad getting old and slowing down makes my heart hurt.

He’s all I have.

When he pulls away, he brushes my forehead with his lips and tugs on one of my braids. “You good for the night?”

“Yeah. Go home. I’ve got this.”

I wait until he’s gone, grabbing his coat from the back office and doing another scan of the bar on his way toward the front door before I reach for the papers again.

Run George’s Bar? Alone?

I’ve never considered, but like my dad said, who else would love it as much as he and I do?

It’s hours later when the bar is closed, I’m exhausted and smelly, curled up on my couch in my apartment with the stack of papers in my hand when my phone dings. My eyelids are heavy and yet I perk right up.

There’s only one person who would text me this late. Or early, depending on your sleep schedule.

Odd how a simple chime of a text tone can make me think of Sebastian.

It’s probably a sign I’m in far deeper than I should be with him.

Taking a chance here since it seems like you’ve blown me off but hoping it’s been a busy week for you. Still thinking about you. Plans tomorrow?

And just like that, I’m rattled all over again. I’ve been able to forget thinking of Sebastian ever since my dad’s announcement.

Now? At three o’clock in the morning and he’s still awake? Thinking of me. My heart does some wild, rapid flutter as the realization settles.

Goodness. I think this guy likes me.

My thumb hovers over the screen. I’ve always been a risk-taker. I tend to act first, think of consequences after… my marriage to Evan the perfect example of leaping before I look. Yet now, I have responsibility.

I have a potential plan for my future that I can see myself loving and I’m not sure where Sebastian fits in.

But screw it.

He’s a pro hockey player. He’ll surely be destined for something more.

I’m probably a rebound for him.

A walk on the “wild” side.

I’m not sure if that excites me or hurts me, but before I can think too much about it, I type out a text.

I’ll be working. But I’d like to see you.

I turn my phone off, toss it onto the coffee table littered with books, and I shove my dad’s papers back into the envelope.

I have time to consider all of this insanity swirling around me.

What I need is sleep and a clear head so I can decide what to do with it.

Chapter Seventeen


George’s is hopping tonight, busier than it usually is. I’ve been running on my feet all night. The only break I took was to run upstairs to change out of my jeans and into denim cut-off shorts. I’m a freaking hot mess but thankfully I’ve got Dom behind the bar working with me. He doesn’t work much due to his classes at the University in Charlotte, and our generally slow evenings, but when he’s here, he’s a lifesaver.

I don’t know what in the world it is about the place the last few weeks but we’ve been busier than normal almost every night. While it’s not like me to look a gift horse in the mouth, I’m still wondering why.

Especially when most of our customers tonight are sporting dress shirts and ties, all of which are haphazardly undone and loosened. Perhaps there was a nearby wedding or something.

Most of the tables are full. There’s been a crowd around the pool table and dartboard and I’ve already had to change the toilet paper in the women’s bathroom a couple of times, something much different when we can normally go several days.

All that to say, I’m exhausted. I’m sweaty. I’ve totally forgotten about my text sent to Sebastian last night about working and being willing to see him tonight until I’m pouring two gin and tonics for a pair of younger looking women near the pool table and a hand I’d now recognize anywhere settles itself on the bar across from me.

“Hey you.” I’m already grinning, raising my head to look

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