Hard Checked (Ice Kings #4) - Stacey Lynn Page 0,45

to know so much about this woman it’s unsettling.

“I think, when Evan and I decided to part ways, I was more upset I’d failed at something. Or that I hadn’t taken our vows seriously enough or worked hard enough. I mean, the final straw in my marriage for me was a paint color on the walls on the surface. I was out with some friends, who all knew us, who loved Evan too, and I just… had a moment of fear. Or sadness for what I’d lost.”

She shrugs and her thumb swipes over her tattooed knuckle. “I was sad, and I was drunk, so I went and got the tattoo to remind myself to be smarter about choices I made in the future. I’m not sure why I chose the broken heart outside the fact that night, it felt like it was broken. Live and learn, I guess.” She smiles up at me and shrugs. The winter sun hits her face so perfectly and brightly I’m almost blinded by her beauty. “Not all the tattoos I have are ones I wish I would have gotten, but they’re all part of me. Of who I was… who I’m becoming.”

I’ve never considered tattoos anything more than artwork. Not as deep as Gigi explains it, anyway. My interest in her—in her ink—piques so much deeper. Who was she? Where has she come from? What has she conquered or lost that she’s memorialized on her skin with ink and permanency?

I shake my head and then let it fall back so we’re both looking at the sun.

“If I were to get a tattoo,” I ask. “What should I get?”

Her lips press together in a teasing smile and that blinding spark in her eyes dims to a glimmer. “A wolf. Surrounded by daisies.”

“What?” I bark out a laugh. I’m already shaking my head. “Daisies. Really?”

Her shoulder bumps mine and she turns her head toward me. “Yeah. You’re all gruff and growly and so serious, but I think beneath that, you’re one of the good ones, Sebastian Hendrix.”

Gruff and growly. My lips pucker. I’m not… but perhaps that’s who I’ve become? I’m not sure I like her first part of her impression of me but I’ll take the latter. “A wolf, huh?”

“Yeah. And since you’re from Minnesota, that’s probably rather cliché but it suits you.”

Several Minnesota professional sports teams have logos with wolves, so she’s not wrong.

“I like wolves. They’re fiercely loyal, strong, and pretty badass. Just like me.”

Gigi snorts. “Don’t let it go to your head, hotshot.”

I can feel my smile stretch my cheeks wide. This woman. Everything about her makes me feel good. And with the way she’s looking at me?

Something inside me stirs.

I push off my sunglasses, wanting to see her without the barrier. I want a clear view of the way she grins at me and when I do, her lips part.

She sees it. She sees everything she’s making me feel, and I’m not hiding it.

Not anymore.

“Sebastian,” she whispers as if afraid of breaking the moment.

I whisper her name back even quieter and move in a fraction. The pull she has on me is indescribable. My tongue slides along my bottom lip on instinct.

Because she’s close to me. And no longer smiling. I can see her eyes behind her own lenses drop to watch my movement and I swear she pulls up so she’s closer.

And then she clears her throat, cheeks flushed, and she pushes up to sitting, jumping off the bench.

“I should probably get going.”

I turn and watch the way she brushes her hands down the thighs of her leggings, avoiding me.

Maybe I’ve read that wrong.

Maybe I shouldn’t be doing this.

Not with her or with anyone, but I don’t want anyone.

I like her.

“Yeah.” My voice is gruff. Scratchy.

I clear my throat and slide off the picnic table, packing up the travel bowl and water bottles before tugging on Bruiser’s leash, who’s panting beneath the table in the shade.

“I should get back too. I have a workout later.”

We head back to the car in near silence. Her clicking away at photos randomly. I feel like I should apologize.

Although I’ve done nothing wrong except make her uncomfortable.

But I’m not sorry, so I don’t.

I like this woman. I’m interested in her, in everything she says.

It’s too damn bad I have no clue what to do next.

Chapter Fifteen


I’m kicking back on the bus, Klaus next to me. The bus is silent, all of us pissed we lost to New York. It took us too long to

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