Hard Checked (Ice Kings #4) - Stacey Lynn Page 0,38

I can’t for the life of me think of an excuse to leave.

This is, quite possibly, the most absolute asinine thing I’ve ever done in my life.

I met Madison at school. When it came time to ask her out on our first date, we’d already been “going together” for weeks so of course I asked her to our school’s homecoming dance.

That was the last time I’ve officially asked someone on a date.

This is not a date.

Right. It’s not a date… not exactly.

I’ll ignore my sweaty palms making the cardboard coffee cups in my hand in danger of falling from my grip. And I can definitely not feel my pulse going slightly erratic. And I’m not hot.

It’s the weather. Sixties in February isn’t unheard of, but it feels freaking hot with the early morning sun rising while I stand on the metal, rickety landing at the top of Gigi’s apartment.

Because I’m back here.

Like an idiot.

Although this time, Bruiser is with me.

It’s been two weeks since I saw her last and I’ve realized a few things since then. I like the way I feel when I’m around Gigi.

I can’t stop thinking about her.

We have a week of home games ahead of us, but I don’t have to be at the arena until three.

Which means I’m here, hoping Gigi plans on going somewhere to take pictures today.

I don’t like being at home and I like being outside.

So does Gigi.

There’s no harm in asking a newly made friend if I can spend the day with her again, right?

Right. So, it’s not a date. It’s a guy asking a friend to hang out.

“Man up and knock on the door, asshole.”

It takes a hot minute to juggle the coffee due to the hotness of the cups and the sweat on my palms but when I finally grow the balls to knock, the door swings open almost immediately and Gigi is there, smirk on her face.

“I was wondering how long it was going to take you to knock or if you were going to disappear.”

“Wha… what?” I stumble.

She saw me practically doing a toddler “have to go pee and have to go pee now” dance and let me.

“Want to come in?” Both of the cups are pulled from my hands and she steps back, her ass holding open the door.

Still wearing that damn smile.

Her hair is crazy wild, pulled back from her face and it’s one of the few times I remember it not being in a ponytail or in those buns at the sides of her head.

I didn’t realize how long it was.

Or thick.

Or beautiful with the stripes of colors.

And… hell. I like it.

“So, I brought you coffee,” I say, further stumbling over my words.

“I gathered,” she says, happily sipping from one of the cups, still wearing that grin and looking like she’s fighting a back a laugh. “Any reason why you’re here today? I don’t think you need to apologize for anything?”

Funny woman.

“No, no apologies. It’s just that…” I got home from Nashville last night only to realize I was thinking about heading to the bar. Because I kept thinking about her and the last time we were together. I didn’t stay there long after Jason left, but in the time we spent together, I spent a lot of time laughing.

And I swear every time I smiled or laughed, she grinned like she’d won something.

Fuck if that didn’t feel good.

We’d sat and talked long after the bar was closed. She shooed everyone out, and while she did that, I took a seat at the bar. Somehow, it felt natural. Like I was meant to talk to her for hours. It wasn’t until I gathered my keys to leave, I realized I’d be headed back to my house, alone.

For a moment, I’d wanted to see if I could crash at her place, but that wasn’t the right thing to do.

Although, hell… I’m not sure what is the right thing to do anymore. I’ve been doing that for fifteen years and look where it got me.

Here. Which, oddly enough, feels like a pretty damn good place to be.

“There are bugs outside. And if you’re dropping off the coffees and taking off, I’m keeping both of them.”

Her head tilts toward inside and yeah… I should probably stop acting like an idiot any minute now.

“I stopped by today to see if you were going anywhere before your shift. Thought I could go with you again?”

“You did?”

“I like being outside. Seemed fun. Plus, I promised Bruiser I’d spend the morning

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