Hard Checked (Ice Kings #4) - Stacey Lynn Page 0,27

step closer to him. Sometimes I need to remind myself to see and experience my own images out from behind the camera lens and screen. “Now, I don’t know. I loved the traveling I did. It was so thrilling. Exciting. Maybe partly scary since I was on my own. I learned so much about myself, about people and humanity in general. Then Dad had that scare…”

I can feel his interest on me, see the way his shadow is turned, paying attention to me, and I quickly blink away the emotion that threatens.

“I like being home too. I missed my dad when I was gone and until I can trust his health, I’m not sure I can leave again. He’s all I have.”

I shrug like the pain of losing my mom isn’t still as piercing as a knife to the chest. All these years later and I still wish I could hug her and run to her for advice. She probably would have cautioned me about marrying Evan in the first place. But then I wouldn’t be here. Enjoying this view with a guy who is easy to talk to, seemingly interested with his questions and not just along for the ride or being courteous.

“You’re very interesting, Gigi. I’m not sure I’ve ever met anyone like you before.”

And just like that, my heart trips all over itself. A bud of hope is planted before I can uproot it and toss it out.

Because Sebastian Hendrix is looking at me, smiling softly and sweetly. And I’ve done that for him.

“Is that a compliment?” I ask, teasing.

He laughs and shakes his head before swiping a hand through his hair. “Very much so.”

Chapter Nine


It’s been two days since I phoned Ben. Thirty-six hours since I spent the day with Gigi, the first woman I’ve spent time alone with in my life who isn’t either related to me or my wife.

I’m unsettled. Beneath my skin there’s an incessant, needling itchy sensation I haven’t been able to ignore.

I like Gigi.

And I’m still married.

What kind of man does that make me?

Regardless of how much I’ve tried, I can’t forget Gigi’s easy manner on our hike. How I spent six hours with her, hiking up that mountain, back down. We stopped and grabbed dinner on the drive back to her apartment where she left me in that alley.

It’d taken restraint not to follow her inside and take a seat at the bar while she worked.

It was that desire that forced me to thank her for the day, hoping I ended it much less awkward than the other times I’ve walked away from her and get back into my car where I went home and fed Bruiser.

I took him out to the backyard pool area, tossed the ball around and afterward, blow-dried him so he wasn’t soaking wet when I brought him to my bed. He then proceeded to do his three-circle spin move before plopping down on Madison’s pillow.

Now I’m in the hallway at Pittsburgh’s ice arena, headphones in my ears, pacing the hallway and trying to ignore the clatter of pre-game rituals going on around me.

As soon as we got on the plane, Jason glared at me. He’s pissed. Probably hurt. I never returned his call. I have to deal with that before the puck drops. There’s no way we can beat Pittsburgh if we’re not playing together as a team.

I need more time. A few more minutes to get my head on straight. Jason can’t help me with that.

Only Madison can.

Which means, I need to do something I should have done weeks ago.

I have to go to her. I deserve an in-person answer if she’s walking away from our marriage or to give it one last chance to see if there’s anything worth salvaging.

Ripping off my headphones, I head back to the visitor locker room where all of our gear is stored. Jerseys are neatly hung, pads ready to go and skates tucked in the bins below. Our sticks are already out by the entrance to our bench on the ice, multiple extras in case we break one or two.

As soon as I’m about to open the door, it comes slamming toward me, making me jump back and out of the way. Jason’s in the doorway, dressed in shorts and a T-shirt with sweat clinging to his chest which means he’s spent the last half an hour since we arrived running the bleachers to warm up like he usually does.

“We need to talk.”

“I know,” I respond immediately,

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