Hard Checked (Ice Kings #4) - Stacey Lynn Page 0,24

if I go with you?”


I shrug. I can blame my need for fresh air. The absolute sudden hatred I have of being in my house all alone.

Or, it’s something far baser—I’m attracted to this woman despite it being the worst thing for me.

“Yeah. I like hiking and I don’t have anything to do until we fly out tomorrow.” I say it with as much nonchalance as I can to hide my desperation for her to not say no.

“Sure,” she drawls slowly. “You can come, but I’m driving.”

She points to her Jeep Wrangler, bright blue in color that doesn’t surprise me one bit given her love of bright colors in her apartment and hair.

“Lead the way, captain,” I say, teasing. “Will my car be okay there?”

“It’s fine. I’ll text Dad and let him know it’s there so when he gets in, he doesn’t have it towed, but we don’t have deliveries planned.”

“Okay then. Let’s roll out.”

She grins at me, that blinding smile again showing bright white teeth and a gleam in her eye before she lowers her sunglasses and they disappear.

“All right, hotshot.”

Chapter Eight


Man. What a strange turn of events I was not expecting this morning. Sebastian’s attitude last night kept me awake, tossing and turning more than it rationally should have.

So I have a crush on a guy I can’t have. It’s not the first time. Won’t be the last. So he hurt my feelings.

Big freaking deal. It’s life. It happens.

The only thing it reminded me of is that Sebastian Hendrix is a man who needs to be kept at a far distance from me. I’m way too susceptible to his sexy hair and beard, the sadness in his eyes, the strength of his body’s frame. Every time I’m around him, I want to brush my finger along his cheek and tease him until he smiles a real smile.


I’m in no position to heal anyone, and the last person I should be trying to heal is someone who makes my heart skip a beat at the mere sight of him.

So why did I allow him to come with me, sitting close to me in my Jeep, his hand tapping his knee to the beat of my country music playlist?

Because I’m an idiot. And glutton for self-inflicted punishment.

We’ve barely spoken since we reached the highway, both of us probably having no idea what to say, so I jump when for the first time in twenty minutes, Sebastian speaks.

“So, you’re divorced?”



“I’m not.” I grip the stick shift to my Jeep harder than necessary. Next to me, his gaze is a heavy thing, barreling down on me.

“Don’t want to talk about it? I get that.”

“It’s not that. Evan and I… he’s a good guy. We still get along when we run into each other.” I sigh. Sometimes, the reasons why we divorced seem so trivial. “We were young. Dated in college. I think he proposed and I agreed because our friends were getting married and it was the next step after college. Then we moved in together and realized outside of partying with friends and tailgating at football games, we didn’t have a single thing in common. So we admitted our mistake, divorced, and moved on.”

“And you took off to see the world?”

“Yeah.” I grin at the windshield in front of me as we zip down 485.

“It was that easy? Ending your marriage?”

I peer at him quickly and am stunned by the tightness in his jaw.

“I think my situation is incredibly different than yours. They’re incomparable. And no, it wasn’t easy. It was sad. But Evan and I… I don’t know how to explain it best because he’s a good guy. He’s kind. He’s stable. He’s the first one willing to help someone in need. He volunteers at homeless shelters. He’s great. He’s just… he’s not at all what I want outside of that.”

I watch as Sebastian shoves his hands down the tops of his legs. Veins bulge along the backs of his hands as he flexes his fists.

Before he can speak, because I’m not at all certain what’d he have to say if anything, I continue.

“Listen, we graduated when we were twenty-two. We’d dated for two years before then. He was an accounting major to my art major. He wanted to set up a townhome, start having babies and have me stay home and join the PTA. He wanted a simple life. I wanted to explore. See the world. I have things I want to do in my life. He wanted beige

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