Hard to Break - Bella Jewel Page 0,34

told Lenny what happened, and I know they’re both looking out for me.

But I’m tired.

So damned tired.

I get into the garage before Tazen and the guys, so I get some serious invoicing done. By the time nine rolls around, I’m on top of most of the work for the day. This work is boring the hell out of me, and I honestly don’t know how I’m going to keep on top of it when all I want to do is go out into that garage. Maybe Jace is right, maybe I need to let it go and get another job.


I turn to see Tazen standing in the doorway to the office.

“Ah, hey.”

He tilts his head to the side and studies me. “How was your weekend?”

I stand. “Fine. I have done all the work for the day already. I think I’m going to take the rest of the day to look for work. I’m not cut out for this.”

Tazen’s eyes narrow. “I thought you would do anything not to have to leave this place?”

I cross my arms. “Yes, Tazen, you’re right but it’s clear you’re never going to give me even a slight chance to work as a mechanic so I’ll find someone who will. Now, unless there is something else you need me to do, I’m going to head out.”

He studies me for a long, long moment before he finally speaks. “You want a job in the garage?”

“Is that a stupid question?” I mutter.

He smirks at me.

“Answer my question, angel.”

“Yes, Tazen, I want a job in the garage.”

“Fine,” he says, crossing his arms. “It turns out I might have some work for you there. But there are conditions.”

I roll my eyes to the ceiling, then back, muttering, “Of course there are.”

“You don’t touch my builds.”

I blink. “So you want me to do what then?”

“We have a fuck load that come back in for services, replacement bits, things like that. You can help out on those, it’s basic work but it’ll give you great experience. You’ll have free range with all that, but no one touches my builds except my trained men.”

Gosh, I hate him sometimes.

But he knows I’ll accept, because even doing basics on the cars that come back in is an amazing chance. It’s also a chance to prove just what I can do to Tazen arrogant Watts.

“Fine,” I say casually.

“You work the same hours, and you take orders from me like the other guys. You’re not running this show anymore, Quinn. You do something without my permission, I fire you. These are the same rules all the men have.”

“Fine,” I say again.

“Good.” He steps out of the way. “Let’s see how well you really handle this man’s environment, because I can tell you now, my guys won’t be happy about having a woman on the team.”

“Your guys can suck it.” I smile coldly. “Now, can I start?”

He waves a hand again. “Let’s see what you’ve got, angel.”

Challenge accepted.


He isn’t kidding.

The guys don’t say it out loud, but it’s clear that I’m not an accepted part of their boys’ club. They treat me like I’m invisible and only give me the easiest jobs. I keep my shit together and do my job efficiently. That is, at least, until their little pranks. “This isn’t funny!” I yell, throwing my oily rag toward Tazen who is standing in his office laughing.

I stare down at my coveralls and inwardly screech. The men thought it would be funny to cut holes where my breasts and ass are meant to go. I don’t have anything else to wear, and the skirt I was in is hardly acceptable. I want to smack him for laughing. That’s the last thing I wanted to do when I was changing into my coveralls in the female restroom.

As I looked at myself in the mirror, I saw that my leopard-print bra was poking through the two messily cut holes. I turned and stared at my ass, and my cheeks flushed. I’m wearing a G-string, because I hadn’t done the washing and it was all I had left. My butt cheeks are poking out the holes cut there. I was so angry I stormed into Tazen’s office, not even caring if anyone got a glimpse of my ass.

“How is this funny?” I yell. “This is wildly inappropriate and offensive on so many levels.”

He stops laughing. Then his eyes grow a little more serious. Clearly he can see this has upset me.

“Listen, Quinn,” he says. “The guys are testing you,

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