Harbinger of the Storm - By Aliette De Bodard Page 0,12

he said, deadpan.

”With your finery? I’d be surprised.”

”It’s just cloth and feathers,” Teomitl said, with the casualness of those who had never lacked for anything in their lives. “The imperial artisans can weave them again.”

”I’m sure,” I said. My bones ached, and my hands were quivering. I wasn’t sure how long I could argue with him successfully, especially since, even awake and fresh, I always found myself losing. Teomitl was very persuasive, and as stubborn as a jaguar tracking prey. “Fine. I’ll be kinder to your clothes than you seem to be. You might as well come inside.”

I’m not sure what Teomitl busied himself with when I was sleeping, but I woke up to find him still sitting in the courtyard, glaring at the lone pine tree as if it had personally tarnished his reputation.

I itched to put on something simpler, but since we were going back to the palace, I couldn’t shed the regalia. I did tie the skull-mask to my belt, in a prominent position that left the hollow eyes and sunken cheeks visible: it would remain visible, but not hamper me any longer.

We went to Lord Death’s temple first, where I checked with Ichtaca that things were going on as foreseen, the suspicious deaths investigated, the funeral vigils taken care of, the illegal summoners arrested and tried. I mentioned, briefly, the body of the councillor. Ichtaca frowned. “That’s trouble. Do you want more people?”

I shook my head. Many of the priests were already at the palace, taking part in the elaborate rituals that would culminate in the Revered Speaker’s funeral. “You’re overstretched already. I’ll take those at the palace.”

We took a brief meal in the temple with Ichtaca, maize flatbreads with spices, and a drink of maguey sap. Then Teomitl and I walked back together to the palace. I couldn’t help casting a glance in the direction of the Great Temple, but the only activity going on seemed to be the usual sacrifices. The altar was slick with blood, and the body of a man was tumbling down the steps, its chest gaping open. Blood followed it, a slow, lazy trail that exuded a magic even I could feel. But I could see the other magic, the white, faint radiance trapped underneath, the anger that possessed Coyolxauhqui. She of the Silver Bells would not forgive, or forget, or relent in any way.

It was past noon. The Fifth Sun overhead battered us with His glare. On the steps leading up to the palace massed a group of priests clad in blue cloaks, embroidered with the fused lover insignia of the Duality. They were tracing glyphs on the ground with a set of twined reeds. Most other orders would have shed blood, but the Duality deemed blood offerings unnecessary.

At their head was a man I knew all too well: Yaotl, Ceyaxochitl’s personal slave. He’d never looked less like a slave, though; his neck was bare, unencumbered by any wooden collar, his cotton cloak was richly embroidered, his cheeks painted blue and black, the same colour as the priests’ cloaks.

”Ah, Acatl,” he said, his scarred face splitting into a smile. He did not venture any explanation, which did not surprise me. Like his mistress, Yaotl often kept me in the dark, but made no pretence of altruism; it was purely for his own amusement.

I summoned my priest-senses, and took a look at the stairs. The glyphs drawn before the entrance shone for a moment, before sinking into the stone. A fine coating of light had always hung around the palace, the protective wards that kept the high nobility safe, but now the light was growing warmer, clearer. The stone under us was quivering with power, like a heart barely torn out of a chest.

”Reinforcing the wards?” I asked.

”I see your observation skills are as keen as ever.” Yaotl cast an amused glance to the sandstone face of the palace, with its frescoes depicting the end of the migration from the heartland, and the founding of Tenochtitlan on the spot where the Fifth Sun’s eagle had perched on an agave cactus, gorging himself on a human heart.

”Why now?” I asked.

”As a precaution,” Yaotl said. He shook his head, as if to clear a persistent thought. “Huitzilpochtli is already watching here,

but He is weak. Mistress Ceyaxochitl thinks help wouldn’t hurt.”

“Where is she?” I asked. “Inside the palace?”

Yaotl nodded. I looked again at the light. It was now tinged with the blue, peaceful radiance of the Duality, but the structure underneath, the magic

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