The Happy Ever After Playlist - Abby Jimenez Page 0,104

laughed mirthlessly. “So I’m supposed to thank her for grabbing my fucking dick?”

She shook her head at me. “She likes you, Jason. Does she have a fucked-up way of showing it? Yeah, she does. She needs help. She’s relapsed and off her meds, and nobody’s trying to do anything about it but me. The asshole who was supposed to be taking care of her screwed her over and did his best to keep her like this because it made it easier to do it. She’s broke, her label’s two seconds from dropping her, and you kicked her off the tour. She was here to ask you if you’d let her come back. She wouldn’t try to piss you off.”

I clenched my teeth. “If she thinks that she’s coming on this tour after what she fucking did to Sloan before we left—” I growled. “Never.”

“What?” Jessa blinked at me. “She didn’t do anything to Sloan.”

“Bullshit. She smashed her car windows, popped her tires, had people leaving fucked-up voicemails—”

She laughed. It was so out of nowhere it actually surprised me. Little tinkling bells of amusement.

“What?” I asked, irritated.

“Get over yourself. She doesn’t care about your girlfriend. Seriously. It was them.”

I shook my head at her, annoyed. “Who?”

She waved her arms around. “Them. This. This industry. These people. It’s a thing. They run off your girlfriends. Or boyfriends. Whatever.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?”

She rolled her eyes like I was an idiot. “Why would they want you with Sloan? How does that sell records for them?” She cocked her head. “Once, on her second tour when I was opening for her, Lola was all in love with this backup dancer Matthew? They didn’t like that. They wanted her with someone who would boost her career. Lil Wayne or somebody. First they offered Matthew a better job. He didn’t take it, so then they threatened him. And when that didn’t work? He ended up ‘accidentally’”—she put her fingers in quotes—“getting his knee shattered in a mugging in Moscow. He’ll never dance again. She hasn’t seen him since. It’s what they do. They don’t want their up-and-coming superstars with some nobody they can’t sell. You and Lola?” She leaned forward. “Think about it. Everybody wants to read that story. The free press alone.”

I stared at her. “No.” I shook my head. “They wouldn’t.”

She smirked. “Uh, yeah, they so would. These industry people are shady. You have no idea how gross they are. I’ve been with Lola since the beginning. You don’t even know what I’ve seen them put her through.” She ticked off on her fingers. “Starvation diets at sixteen until she got an eating disorder, they leaked her sex tape to the tabloids, bullied her into plastic surgeries, gave her shitty agents and managers so they could control her. They even had her own assistant calling the photogs on her. And you think they wouldn’t vandalize a car?”

I held Jessa’s serious stare for a long moment.

“I didn’t know about this or I would have told you months ago.” She shook her head at me. “You should know that unless the public suddenly wants you and Sloan together more than they want pictures of you dating celebrities, she’s always going to be a target. You’re worth too much money to them now. Honestly, I’d break up with her. Just saying. No offense to Sloan.”

I stared at her before I looked past her toward her room, where I knew Lola was barricaded in the bathroom.

Was it possible?

Then something occurred to me. It clicked in my brain like a clock striking midnight. Something so painfully obvious I don’t know why I hadn’t thought of it right out of the gate.

Lola was crawling with paparazzi. All the fucking time. How would she have vandalized a car in broad daylight without paparazzi catching the whole thing on camera and it ending up all over TMZ?

She was capable of drunken acts of vehicular destruction. No fucking doubt about it. But she wasn’t organized. Lola was impulsive. Careless and reckless. Spoofing dozens of phone numbers to harass Sloan anonymously wasn’t something she’d even know how to pull off, especially in her current condition.

And something else…

That night at my trailer.

I knew my label had been the one to give Lola the gate code. But all this time I’d thought she was in on it. That she’d set me up for those paparazzi photos, or at the very least showed up to harass me. But now I remembered something.

Lola had said I’d Copyright 2016 - 2024