The Happy Ever After Playlist - Abby Jimenez Page 0,101

the right sleeping setup, had help? We could do anything.

I was going to channel my inner nomad. Make this work for both of us and turn these years into some of the best of our lives. Reclaim myself and support him at the same time, learn to love it. Because making him happy was the only way I could be happy—and I knew he felt that way too. That was what was bothering him about all this. He thought he was robbing me of a life. But he was my life—and we could have it all.

I stood outside Jason’s hotel room with Tucker, beaming, ready to tell him all my plans, ready to start over and do it right this time. I knocked, practically bouncing.

But when the door opened, my entire world came to a crashing halt.

Lola stood in the doorway.

I was frozen. I couldn’t even breathe. My eyes had to adjust to it like someone suddenly turning the light on in a dark room.

She wore nothing but underwear and a white Jaxon Waters sweatshirt. The room was dark behind her. She looked like she’d been sleeping.

“Yeah?” she asked lazily.

I just stared at her. I couldn’t believe it. I literally couldn’t believe it. I probably should have been afraid. She’d been harassing me and she beat up my car, but I was too shocked for afraid.

What was she doing here?

My mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water.

Maybe I had the wrong room? Maybe she was in Vegas for some reason and maybe they were putting her on Jason’s tour and he hadn’t told me yet because he didn’t know yet and somehow their rooms got swapped and…

The fact that I’d sent cookies to this exact room number not twelve hours ago glared like neon in the back of my mind.

I swallowed. “Is…is Jason here?”

She looked drowsily over her shoulder. “Sleeping,” she said, peering back at me.

The wind was knocked out of me.

I didn’t understand. Why would she be here? Everything we did was about keeping her from being here. We hated her. Jason didn’t want her anywhere near us, and now she was in his room?

Tucker growled low next to me, and Lola’s eyes dropped to the sound. “I’ll take him,” she murmured, reaching clumsily for the leash.

She was drunk.

I yanked him back instinctively. “No.”

I stared at the woman between me and the man I loved.

She was shorter in person than I’d expected. Prettier. She had wavy red hair that hung almost to her navel. Sharp green eyes with long fake eyelashes and perfect wing-tipped eyeliner.

Her lips were bare.

A lump started to build in my throat. “What are you doing here?” My voice shook.

She looked at me, bored, and leaned her head on the door frame. “What do you want?”

I blanched.

What do I want? I belong here. My chest started to heave.

This was the person behind all the bad things in our lives. She was the reason I’d had to ghost myself on social media, change the number I’d had when I was with Brandon. She’d had us running ourselves into the pavement to keep her from being forced on us. She was why we didn’t get days off.

And now she was in my boyfriend’s room half-naked.

A small surge of anger-fueled bravery kicked in. I pushed past her.

She made a leisurely laughing noise as she fell back into the wall, like this was all hilarious to her in slow motion.

And there he was.

I don’t think I would have truly believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes. But there was Jason. He was in nothing but his underwear, sleeping on top of the bedspread.

I stood there dumbfounded for a moment before I darted to the mattress and grabbed his shoulder. “Get up!” I shook him. “Jason, wake up!”

He groaned into the pillow.

Tucker jumped onto the bed and started licking his face. Jason didn’t even push him off.

I looked around, mouth open, tears filling my eyes. A bottle of bourbon sat on the nightstand. Two glasses.

He must be shit-faced, I thought with disgust. There was no way he could sleep through this otherwise.

Was that what had happened? He was upset with me so he got wasted and slept with Lola?

The finality of the situation smacked me in the face. How was this happening? How? None of it made sense.

“You should probably go,” Lola slurred from behind me.

I didn’t need more prodding. I’d seen enough.

I turned and left without looking at her. She clicked the door Copyright 2016 - 2024