Happily Ever All-Star: A Secret Baby Romance - Sosie Frost Page 0,77

and cuddles with the baby.

It was the one thing I couldn’t give.

Rory opened one last bag, pulling out two bottles of expensive tequila. She didn’t seem surprised.

“Oh…this is from Grandma Mildred,” she said. “These are for the party.”

“Say no more.” Lachlan swooped in and took the booze.

She unwrapped the tissue paper beneath, pulling out a beautifully knitted baby blanket. Rory held it close reading the card aloud.

“If your mother asks…I knitted this myself. In actuality, I bet Ruthie McDonald I could keep a tablet of Polident in my mouth longer than she could. I’m the reigning champion…Ruthie is an excellent knitter. The check is in the mail. I love you.”

Sounded like Grandma Mildred. Rory laughed and tucked the blanket into the bag.

Leah handed Rory another envelope. “I’m sorry we couldn’t get your mom here. But she sent this.”

I snuck to her side, offering a hand as she opened the envelope. Rory read the card aloud to everyone listening.

“Wishing you all the happiness in the world. Love Grandma.” Rory tucked the card away. “That’s so sweet. Thank you everyone. Really. This is amazing.”

Her hand trembled. I took the envelope as Leah helped her from the chair with the promise of cake. She said nothing. I read what Regan actually had sent.

We need to talk about this child and what this means for the family.



What the hell was Rory supposed to do?

Sure, she had gotten pregnant, but she did everything she could for the baby and her career. She was going to need help. The baby deserved a family. Regan should have stepped up.

Someone had to. Even if it was me.

But I couldn’t just insert myself into her life—into her child’s life.

Could I?

Leah whistled for everyone to gather around the patio as they unveiled what was supposed to be the pinnacle of cakes. Elle helped Lachlan lowered the oversized box onto the table.

“I found this bakery…” Elle breathed deep as if remembering the smell of the place. “Sweet Nibbles. The owner is also the baker, and I have never tasted anything so fantastic in my life. Rory, your baby is going to thank me.”

She flicked her nails under the tape and flashed the box open.

Rory covered her mouth. Elle screeched.

The lid slammed back down. Lachlan expertly dodged Elle’s swiping hand.

“Charming!” Elle guarded the box and shoo’ed away Sebastian before he peeked inside. “I thought you checked the cake!”

“I picked it up.”

“This isn’t our cake. This must be a bachelorette party cake. At least…God I hope so.”

Rory’s eyes went wide. “That is the most anatomically correct cake I have ever seen. It should be in a textbook...in fact, I think I recognize it.”

Leah and Piper shared a glance and raced forward. They peeked into the box and giggled. I saw enough of what flashed under the lid—a generous patch of peach colored icing that wrinkled in a most offensive and artistic flourish.

Jack edged close. Leah patted his chest. “It’s best you don’t watch us cut this.”

Rory laughed a little too maniacally. “Stand back. It’s been a while, but I remember my surgical rotation. Scalpel.”

Elle handed her the serving knife. Within seconds, the team had yet another reason to fear our neurologist.

Rory hesitated, twirling the blade. “Do we want to start with the…crown or the boys?”

Every man instinctively flinched.

Sebastian edged close, trying to peek under the box. “What’s the cake?”

Lachlan covered his eyes. “A rocket ship.”

Elle covered his ears. “A snake.”

Rory made her first slice, proud of the little rounded flourish that plopped on her plate.

“Mazel tov!”

Lachlan looked like he was going to be sick. “I…think I’ll have another beer.”

Jack backed away when Rory offered him the slice. “Jesus, no.”

She looked at me, her grin mischievous. “Jude?”

“You can have this piece, Doc.”

But she pouted, sinking her fork into the cake and taking a bite. She offered me the second forkful with a smile.

Who could resist a pregnant pumpkin?

I skipped dessert and gave her a kiss instead. This woman was sweeter than cake.

The party gave a cheer, and Rory stroked my cheek.

“Thank you,” she said.

I wasn’t done yet.

Once the cake was sufficiently circumcised and the coffee served, the guys called it a night. In less than three days we were set to face one of the most dangerous and explosive teams in the league. Rest was a priority.

If I could sleep.

We packed the Jeep and headed home, but I didn’t let Rory unload. I’d managed to keep my present for her a secret. I covered her eyes as I led her into the guest room.


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