Happily Ever All-Star: A Secret Baby Romance - Sosie Frost Page 0,384

it, even when I was too scared to admit everything I felt. You love so hard, Lachlan. Every day with you is a rush.”

“So is every night.”

“That goes without saying.”

“Now do you believe in fairy-tales?”

I smiled, pulling him closer for another kiss.

“You tell me, Charming.”

The End

Touchdowns & Tiaras - Series Epilogue

The Rivets’ Epilogue


Jude – The Fairy Tale

For the first time, I wasn’t the one who had forgotten a meeting.

Rory was supposed to meet me for lunch at the hospital.


I checked my phone and carried Dawn to the outdoor picnic table in the hospital’s parkette. It’d been a nice place to join Rory for lunches since she started her new job, but I had a better plan for today.

I tickled Dawn’s bare foot. How the hell a six-month-old lost more socks than I did was a goddamned mystery.

“Let’s text Mommy.” I grinned at her. She coo’ed, kicked, and spit a healthy dose of excitement onto her chin. “She’s going to love that I remembered to meet her, and she was the one that forgot—”

“Oh, I see how it is.” Rory huffed from behind me.

“Whoops,” I whispered to the baby. I turned and pointed at the kid. “Dawn was egging me on.”

“Was she now?”

“She’s trouble.”

“Not as much trouble as you’re gonna be in.” She poked my chest. “I’m five minutes late, and you get all self-righteous.”

“I’m not a patient man.”

“You’re lucky I’m a forgiving woman. You can give me all the hell you want for me being a late, but I’m still mad about the pizza you burned in the oven yesterday.”

“You said you liked it crispy.”

“I do like crispy.” She kissed me. “But we ate cinders.”

“Good thing I’m making it up to you today. What do you say we get out of here for lunch?”

Rory twisted her fingers in her lab coat. “Oh, Jude, I’d love to, but—”

“I have my six-month follow-up appointment and physical therapy at two o’clock. I figure you, me, and the baby could go for a long lunch. We’ll come back so I can do my appointment…and then I’ll whisk you two away for the weekend.”


“Know what today is?” I brushed her cheek. “It’s been one year since you moved in with me.”

“You do remember the good stuff.”

“I want to show you how grateful I am for you coming into my life…”

I leaned down for a soft kiss. Rory’s lips parted.

I loved causing that sweet sigh. Too bad it turned into a groan.

“I really, really like that idea,” she said.


“But there’s this amazing case that just came in. I’m swamped. I can’t leave.”

I loved Rory, and she loved her job, but every day there was a new amazing case. Some concussions, a few nerve damages, sleep disorders, one Parkinson’s study. For as great as she had been at the fellowship, Rory finally found her true passion.

I couldn’t have been more proud of her.

Though I did want to drag her away for lunch.

“Training camp starts next week,” I said. “I’m going to be busy with the coaching staff and the players.”

Rory pointed at me. “Promise me you aren’t running the routes. You instruct, you don’t play.”

“I promise.” I crossed my heart—and then I crossed Dawn’s, just to prove it. “Can’t guarantee I won’t show the rookies up in the weight room though.”

Rory teased me with a squeeze of my biceps. “I don’t mind that as much.”

“I can show you something else hard.”

She smacked me. “Jude Owens, you’re so bad.”

“Blame the concussion. I just lose all control around you now.”

Rory kissed me, but she pulled away with a pout. “Lose control tonight. I just can’t get away this afternoon.”

“Tell me what’s so interesting about this patient, and maybe I’ll let you slide.”

Her eyes widened. Her voice hushed, like she was whispering some great secret.


“So?” I laughed. “I get that walking from the living room to the kitchen.”

“No, Jude. Total amnesia. She came in with a head injury, and she can’t remember a single thing. Not who she is, where she’s come from. Nothing. And the craziest part…we can’t find anyone she belongs to. No family has called. There’s no police reports for a missing woman. She’s just like…” Rory wiggled her fingers. “A ghost. We’re hoping her memory returns once she’s been treated and rested for a while, but…it’s amazing. I’ve never had a case like this.”

“Amnesia, huh?” I tried one last time. “Then she won’t remember if you slipped out for lunch.”

Rory arched an eyebrow. “Jude.”

“I know, I know.”

“She’s pregnant.”

Damn. “Pregnant?”

“Nine. Months. Pregnant.” Rory took my hand. “I

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