Happily Ever All-Star: A Secret Baby Romance - Sosie Frost Page 0,258

“You…played for a child?”

“Yeah, and it worked out good. We got the job done.” I nodded to the camera. “Hi, Rosie.”

The reporter swallowed his tongue. I patted his shoulder and joined the swarm of trainers still trying to stop my bleeding. We jogged to the locker room, but I knew what to expect. My nose was broken, and that was the least of my pain.

The best games were the ones I could feel once it was over, when the adrenaline faded, and every joint, muscle, and bone screamed. The worst games were the ones when I could hardly drive my ass home.

Tonight we treaded that line.

It was after midnight when I got back to the estate. I was grateful I finally learned how to open the baby gates because hell if I could lift my leg over it. Bruised and in a suit, the insult and injury. The suit jacket fell to the floor, and I took a big drink from the sink sprayer.

I hadn’t realized who I’d wake while shuffling through the house.

Piper rested on the couch with Rose asleep on her chest. The kid sprawled out, arms wide, legs up, not necessarily comfortable, but at least she was sleeping. I paused in the doorway.

Piper’s smile warmed me as nicely as a dip in the hot tub.

“You thanked Rose for the win,” she said.

I was too tired to lie. “Just trying to impress her momma.”

“It worked.”

“I’m smooth like that.”

“Not really, but at least you look good saying it…or you should. How’s your nose?”

“You worried about me?”

Not that she’d admit. “Gotta protect my assets.”

“My assets got kicked today.”

“You bled a lot.”

“Don’t remind me.”

She expected me to sit. If I did, I’d never get up. Rose wiggled, gave the cutest fucking snore, and woke herself up. The baby looked as exhausted as me, but she still smiled all bashful.

“We wanted to see you when you got back, didn’t we?” Piper smoothed Rose’s little puffball pigtails and stood. “Since she was so influential in your win.”

“She’s a decent motivator.”

She made a pouty face. “Uh-oh, Rosie. Look. Cole has a boo-boo.”

I’d never shuffle away fast enough. “No. Cole’s fine.”

“Uh-oh!” Rose stared at me, eyes huge. “Boo-boo! Uh-oh!”

“Know what he needs?”

I didn’t trust her. “A shot of whiskey and sleep?”

“He needs a kiss to fix the boo-boo!”

I’d probably need surgery in the off-season, not toddler slobber. I edged away. Piper moved faster, and Rose reached for me with grabby hands.

“Boo boo!”

This was some sort of weird Mr. Roger’s level torture. Piper didn’t give me a choice. I presented my cheek with a fading prayer that the kid wouldn’t flail her arms and crack my nose off-kilter again.

I should have known better. Rose gently pecked my cheek and groggily giggled.

“Aw, so nice!” Piper teased. “Don’t you feel better?”

Actually. I did feel a little better. Probably meant I had a concussion too.

I cracked a smile. “Thanks, kid.”

“I need to get her to bed.” Piper looked me over. “Are you going to be okay?”

I wasn’t an invalid. Yet. “I’m fine. Just sore.”

She didn’t believe me, but the baby fussed. Piper headed upstairs to take care of Rose.

And I started the long, arduous trek to my room as well.

One shuffling step at a time.

I took the stairs slow, stretching my hamstring with every hop up the marble. Hard to do when my knees refused to bend, my ankles twisted the wrong way, and my body hurt so much even my teeth ached.

I reached the second floor with a grunt. So much for a clean getaway. Piper met me with crossed arms and a tapping foot. Sure. Gloat more. Her joints could actually move.

She pointed the baby monitor at me. “I changed Rose’s diaper and got her back to sleep by the time you made it up the stairs.” She pretended like she was more annoyed than worried, but I saw through it. “Let me help you.”

“Don’t need help.”

“Could have fooled me.”

“Never needed help before, beautiful.”

“Has anyone ever offered you help before?”


I didn’t answer, and somehow that still gave Piper the edge. She took my arm and hauled me up the last stair—as if a little thing like her could shove me.

“I put one baby to bed.” She guided me to my room. “Might as well take care of the other.”

“So I get my ass beat on the field and break my goddamned nose, and I’m a baby now?”

She sat me on my bed, snapping her fingers. “Arms up.”

I actually laughed. “You think I can get my arms up?”


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