Happily Ever All-Star: A Secret Baby Romance - Sosie Frost Page 0,244

He shook his head, this gorgeous man who threatened and adored in the same breath. “The only word I want to hear from you is my name.”

Cole gripped my hips and pinned me in place. I tensed as he seized everything he wanted from the crest between my legs.

Nothing romantic.

Nothing gentle.

He sunk upon me like a man crazed with lust. Nothing would stop him from taking what he wanted. A touch. A taste. My uncontrolled, gasping groan as he suckled my clit and slapped the inside of my thigh when I dared to twist away from his attention.

In my every imagined fairy tale, I thought my prince would tease and please. He’d give me a gentle pleasure until I ached in solemn need for my lover.

It wasn’t that way with Cole.

He didn’t lick or kiss. He ate, vulgar and exciting. He feasted upon my slit, and every strike of his tongue or slurp of his lips humiliated me in my own wet desire.

I shouldn’t have like being treated like this—as if I trusted him with my most vulnerable and delicate area for him to spit, slap, and sully.

But I couldn’t help myself. My body curled around him for protection and submission. I’d never been treated so roughly. He demanded my pleasure. Didn’t tickle for it. Didn’t tease to hear the slightest little whimper from my lips. He forced every shake and shudder, groan and twitch from me.

And I had absolutely no control.

Not over him. Not over what we did, how fast it happened, or how much I wanted it.

I didn’t even have control over my own pleasure.

Cole backed off the instant my body shivered in the beginnings of something magical and intense. He grinned in roguish pride.

“You’re not coming yet, beautiful. I’ll tell you when.”


I gripped the sheets, but the silken material slipped through my hands as I fought to escape his devilish tongue and unyielding grip. He drew away from me for only a moment, sucking on his index finger. I held my breath.

He slipped inside my pussy, laughing as every muscle in my body clamped down on him. Hard. Desperate. I bucked my hips, and he tisked his tongue, slamming his finger in me completely.

“Behave, beautiful.”

I thought I was. I thought I did everything I was supposed to do. I thought I was meant to offer my hips, my slit, my core for his finger just as I would his cock.

He kissed my clit, licking and caressing that quivering bud as his finger thrust inside me.

But Cole didn’t want me to behave. He wanted to drive me insane. Make me beg. Slicken me until my thighs glistened with my own desire and my body melted for any touch, kiss, or word he’d give.

Even the finger was too much. I gasped as the tension rose once more, crippling my arms and legs. I groaned his name.

And Cole withdrew.

He denied me with a laugh and stood.

What kind of a man played games like this? I was on the edge. Desperate. Shivering. One little flick of his tongue, and I’d be lost forever. One twist of his finger, a curl against that perfect little spot inside me, and I’d have humiliated myself in lust upon his bed.

But Cole preferred this shameless cruelty. He towered over me, intimidating me with a cock designed to conquer. His own fist tugged on his swollen flesh. He watched me suffer and jerked to my agony.

Evil man.

Beautiful man.

His command rumbled through me. “Get on your knees.”

Something deeply primal and terrible and wonderful existed in that order. I obeyed him and longed to explore every deep-seated urge that came from his authority.

I slid off the bed. Cole waited, naked and powerful. This monster, this beast, was all muscle. His hair hung in loose, golden waves that framed him like a mane around his shoulders. What might have been handsome was lost in wildness, something fierce and untamed.

He was every bit as regal as any story book hero, but I didn’t want a prince or gentleman.

I ached for a villain.

And he demanded my submission with an opened mouth and waiting tongue.

He said nothing, simply grabbed my hair as I took him between my lips. His cock thickened. He had a salty, masculine taste so addictive I wondered if I could even fit enough of him into my mouth to sate my own desires.

“Get it wet…” Cole warned me. “You’re gonna want it as slick as you can get before I fuck that pussy.”

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