Happily Ever All-Star: A Secret Baby Romance - Sosie Frost Page 0,217

“We shouldn’t have kissed. I apologize for my behavior.”

“Don’t apologize for it,” I laughed. “I know you want to do it again.”

“I do not want to do it again.”

“You can do better things with those lips than lie.”

Piper copped an attitude, her hand on her hip. “This agency would run better if we didn’t have cocky, self-righteous, knuckle-headed football players causing so many problems.”

“What can I say? I’m multi-talented.”

“That so?”

“Want me to prove it to you?”

Piper couldn’t get any more indignant. I hoped that meant her temper would go full circle and she’d loosen up a bit.

A woman like her needed to be reminded of the finer things in life—a drink in one hand, cock in the other, and considerably less clothing between us.

“Does every athlete get this insufferable after a game?” she asked.

“Do all agents insult their biggest client after a victory?”

Silenced, for once. I reveled in my victory as Piper seethed. When would she learn? A quick tongue like hers was better served celebrating my win than lashing out at me in this constant bickering.

Piper huffed. “It doesn’t matter. I shouldn’t even be here.”

“But you are.”

“I know.”

“Could have called,” I said.

“There’s a little thing called etiquette. You should study up on it.”

“I don’t think that’s it.” I curled a finger for her to approach. She didn’t, but I had her attention. “You wanted to see me.”

“I meant to apologize and remove you from my representation.”

“Won’t that make Daddy mad?”


“What will he do?”

“I’m hoping he’ll put me back on gopher duty around the office.”

No. That gig didn’t suit a woman like her. She was too beautiful to stuff in a cubicle and too smart to waste on coffee orders and answering phones.

“Do you even want to be an agent?” I asked.

“I don’t see how that’s relevant.”

“Answer the question. Consider it a professional curiosity.”

She gnawed on her lip before answering. “No. I don’t want to be an agent.”

“Then why are you doing it?”

She shrugged. “I needed the job…well, the money. I couldn’t finish my graduate coursework, and my father offered me a position in his agency.” She brushed her hair away from her face. “A position I jeopardized because of a reckless and stupid indiscretion.”

Ouch. “Don’t tell me you didn’t like our kiss.”

“I didn’t.”

“Liar. You enjoyed it as much as me.” I leaned forward. “Don’t get bashful now. Did you think about me this weekend?”


“I thought about you.”

Her voice waivered. “It doesn’t matter. It won’t happen again.”

And there was the truth. I loved it. My little beauty was struck with indecent and dastardly thoughts of me all weekend while she suffered far from my touch.

Piper took a breath. “Let’s make this easy. Mr. Hawthorne, will you grant consent to any trade deal which the Monarchs might organize?”


“Then I’m done here.”

“No, we’re not.”

My voice was harsh, rougher than I meant to speak. But Piper stilled, pinned in place by that intimidating grumble. That trick wouldn’t last for long, not with a woman like her.

“I’m not dealing with anyone else at your agency. It’s you or no one, beautiful.”

Piper’s rage was silent, though I wondered if she weren’t angrier with herself. She must have really liked our kiss. I did.

At least I could channel my passion into a dangerous aggression on the field. Poor Piper didn’t have that outlet. She was stuck thinking about that kiss all weekend. Alone. In the dark and quiet.

And whatever she did to relieve herself shamed her so much that she tried to quit on me.

I couldn’t have anyone suffering on my behalf.

“I’ll make you a deal,” I said. “I’m going to ask you one question. If you get it right, I’ll consent to the trade right here, right now.”

She eyed me, careful to keep her gaze above the level of the water. “And if I get it wrong?”

“Are you always so suspicious?”

“A girl needs to be prepared around you.”

“I don’t think you trust me.”

“What’s the deal, Mr. Hawthorne?”

I grinned. “If you answer incorrectly…you get in the hot tub.”

Piper glared like she willed the water to boil around me. “You are a beast. How will a hot tub solve any of our problems?”

“Would you rather I kick you off my property and ignore your calls until the trading deadline?”

She scowled. “No.”

“Then take the invitation. I don’t extend them often.”

Or to anyone.


Piper sighed. “Fine. We have a deal. What’s the question?”

I pointed to wrought-iron table on the patio, nearest to the pool and hot tub. I kept my playbook away from the water, just to prevent accidents. Piper

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