Happily Ever All-Star: A Secret Baby Romance - Sosie Frost Page 0,156

the league in twenty years.

I had my pride to regain. A lost game to forget. And they knew it.

“Carson, you’re gonna watch your motherfucking mouth on that field.” Coach Thompson pointed at me with a pudgy finger. “In fact, you’re gonna shut that mouth. Throw the damn ball and do your job.”

The insult cracked deep. I narrowed my eyes. “Haven’t I done that?”

“You showboat when you got a ring on your finger to show what hot shit you are. You brag in the minutes after that final win. As of now?” He tapped his watch. “New season, Play-Maker. You’re on my time now, and there ain’t no winners or losers yet. You gotta prove yourself, same as anyone else.”

“You’re kidding, right?”

The coach was a beefy man, a former lineman that forgot he wasn’t burning thousands of calories in exercise a day anymore. He tried to intimidate me. Didn’t matter how many clipboards he held in front of his face, he wasn’t pissing with me.

I took another drink and hoped it was the heat that made me so fucking irritable. I pitched the water bottle at my feet and turned back to my team.

Coach Thompson snorted at me. “You think you’re special, Jack?”

I’d shove that whistle down his throat. I faced him, eyes narrowed, every muscle in my body tensed and ready to prove that I was a one-in-a-million athlete that wouldn’t tolerate his bullshit much longer.

“What the hell is your problem?” I pointed to the field. “I have fifty-two men I’m leading back to the championship. And you know what I’m gonna get?”

“A win this time?”

“Re-fucking-demption. Don’t tell me I gotta prove myself. I know exactly what I need to do.”

He nodded at the other coaches, backing them down as I felt my temper baited, checked, and about to rage. He patted my shoulder, but the son of a bitch didn’t have a right to rile me up just to shit on me when the urge came over him.

“You’ve been doing good these past few weeks, Jack. Staying out of trouble.”

“Don’t patronize me.”

“Don’t give me a reason to treat you like a child.”

I knew better than to say a damn thing. If I let loose, I’d be overheard by the media hanging too close. They always descended when they thought there’d be fireworks.

Fuck em. I wasn’t giving them any fodder to take to Leah. It was bad enough she still dealt with the car accident and the camera incident. Those scandals complicated my nights with my publicist, when she had to bitch at me before I tossed her in bed and tried to knock her up.

It had been a good couple weeks of attempts though. Leah’s pussy was great stress relief. Something about getting a girl like her in trouble—even if she gave me permission—was sexy enough to get me hard every minute of every day.

Coach Thompson grabbed my shoulder. It was a bad move, but I let him pull me back.

“Listen to me, Jack. You’re keeping your head down. You’re doing good work. You’re on time. And you weren’t with Bryon when he got into that mess with the slut downtown. You’re doing what you’re supposed to be doing. You understand me?”

I did, so why was I resisting it? “Yeah. I’m the league’s newest lapdog. You taught me not to bark in the house, but you still want me neutered.”

“Damn right, we do. You’re gonna stay on this path.”

“I am?”

“Yes, you are. I don’t know why this is always a fight with you.” He pointed to the field, watching as the men ran plays without me. “You are one of the most gifted athletes I’ve ever seen, but you refuse to cooperate with anyone. You’re aggressive. You throw temper tantrums. You insist on using your cock to make your big decisions.”

Couldn’t argue with that, but when had my cock led me wrong?

“This past month, you’ve been behaving—and yes, I say behaving because you’re the only goddamned adult I have to treat like a teenager. I got kids at home, Jack, I don’t need another crew of ungrateful shits here, you get me?” He looked me over, but he still didn’t try to respect me. “You haven’t been partying as much.”

Yeah, cause I was balls deep in Leah at night, trying my damnest to make her orgasm so hard she’d pass out on my dick. Every man had a dream. This one was new. Didn’t involve a championship game, but it took up a lot of my nights.

“You’re focused, Jack,”

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