Happily Ever All-Star: A Secret Baby Romance - Sosie Frost Page 0,132

wrong. He wouldn’t do that.”

I arched my eyebrow. Jack broke my gaze first. Bryon was exactly the type of man to do something so heinous.

“He’s in custody now. Jolene got a call from his agent. They want to hire us before it gets bad. I gotta go in to work.” I held my hand out. “Panties, please.”

Jack reluctantly handed me the crimson silk. “What about…?”

“Sorry.” I covered my face. “Sorry, this got out of control. We never should have—”

“Yes, we should have.”

“No, Jack. We can’t. We just…” I wished I had a glass of water, something to ease whatever flames burned through me. “You are so lucky you weren’t with him tonight. Half of the damn offense is at the police station with him. If you had been there…”

“I wasn’t.”

“And that’s why we need to be careful,” I said. “This. What we’re doing? This fake relationship is for our protection. We can’t jeopardize it. No matter what happens. We can’t let ourselves…”

“I get it.” Jack didn’t look like he wanted to understand. “Fine. Need a ride?”

“No, I’ll call a taxi. I want you to stay here, okay? That journalist was bad enough. I don’t want anyone to even start a rumor you were with Bryon.”

He tossed his shirt over his shoulders. It couldn’t button. His cock still raged hard in his pants. I tried not to look at what might have been.

“Thank you for dinner,” I said. “I…uh, I won’t bill you for it.”

Jack scowled, returning to his beer on the bar. “Bill me, Kiss. If this is our professional relationship now, I don’t want anything to ruin my reputation. At least my credit is impeccable.”


“This is how you want it?” He held his arms out. “This is how you get it. No fooling around. Nothing more than sheer respectability. I possess some self-restraint, but thanks for the vote of confidence.”

“I didn’t mean—”

“Yes, you did. I’m not your type. I’m your one wild moment. The one man you could’ve looked back on while your future husband lays over you for thirty seconds to finally give you that baby you want so much.” He shrugged. “Fine. I’ll spare you the guilt of having sex and using me to feel good about yourself.”

“I’m sorry!”

“I’m not some mistake to be made,” he said. “If I get you, I want all of you. Not just your curiosity. Not because I’m your one bad thing you do. I want to fuck you, and I want you to like it because you wanted me.”

I couldn’t answer. Jack didn’t expect one.

Well I didn’t have a choice. If I was protecting myself and my career and Jack’s reputation, we had to be responsible.

Even if it meant denying something we both wanted.

Even if it meant denying each other the only thing we both needed.



I kicked my ass from one side of the field to the other and worked my muscles raw, and still I couldn’t punish myself enough for being so fucking stupid.

I made a lot of bad calls in my life. Yelling at the most gorgeous woman in the world seconds after her legs wrapped around my head?

Rookie. Mistake.

What the fuck was happening to me? God damn that woman—that beautiful, sexy, infuriating woman. Leah was the only girl I’d ever wanted who hadn’t wanted me back.

No—she was the only one who ever refused me. Even after she liquefied on my couch. She didn’t just reject me. She denied herself.

Leah. Wanted. Me.

She couldn’t lie to me with my head between her legs. Her thighs had tightened over my ears, but I didn’t have to hear her moans to sense what she craved. I tasted it. Savored it. I was practically burned by the searing heat in that perfect pussy that trembled so sexy against my tongue.

It wasn’t enough. It wouldn’t be enough until I was balls deep in that woman.

If I hadn’t made such an idiot mistake, I might’ve had her.

Didn’t matter. She’d be mine as soon as I figured out how to make her talk to me again. Really talk to me. Not any of this bullshit photo-op dates. I’d win her over the only way I knew how. Some people had a golden voice, I had a golden tongue.

But first, I had something equally important to do. I remembered McGrin Regional Hospital’s layout. I wished I hadn’t. Or that I hadn’t remembered all the days and nights we spent running back and forth through the halls. The pediatric wing was the worst, artificially colored and bright but

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