Happily Ever After in Bliss (Nights in Bliss, Colorado #11) - Lexi Blake Page 0,25

would have put her in bondage and tweaked those rings on her nipples until she cried prettily for him and she begged him to give her what she needed.

John Bishop wouldn’t care about how fragile she was. He would only care about branding himself on her and ensuring she understood who she belonged to.

John Bishop was an asshole.

Henry Flanders was the nice man who took care of his wife and didn’t burn down the world to ensure she never had to know he lied. Henry Flanders was going to tell her.

Tomorrow. Maybe the day after. Maybe after he figured out what was happening with the Jalisco Cartel and a CIA operative who went by the name Levi Green.

“Hey, Henry.” One of the Harper twins strode up. “Did you get the news about Hiram? Got done in by a hooker and a sex swing. At least it was a hell of a way to go.”

Ah, Max. The Harper twins were perfectly identical to the eye. Totally different once they started talking. Rye Harper was the former sheriff and a completely reasonable man. Max was amusing. Most of the time. “Sex worker, please. They have dignity, too.”

“I heard about the position he was in from Zane, and I don’t know there was a lot of dignity to it. Though Hi did die with a smile on his face.” Max sighed. “I’m going to miss the old guy.”

“We all will.” Hiram Jones had been the mayor of Bliss for as long as anyone could remember.

Henry had sat in his office days after what had happened at Seth’s. Nate had decided that the mayor needed to be brought up to date on the potential threat to Bliss. Henry had been forced to sit in front of Hiram and admit what he’d done.

Hi had been told that a citizen had lied and now the town was in danger, and all he’d done was given Henry a hug and told him they would get through this the way they always did. Together.

Then Hi had told him to tell his wife.

He still wasn’t sure how to tell his wife. What would he do if she got upset and lost the baby? How would he ever take another breath? Caleb said Nell was healthy and sex was fine, that oftentimes women who miscarry have perfectly healthy pregnancies follow and they never knew exactly what went wrong the first time.

“Anyway, I wanted to come over and ask if I can borrow your drill. Mine crapped out and I don’t have time to go into Alamosa for a new one. The latch on my barn door finally rusted over and the new one came in. Rach will have my hide if I don’t fix it soon. That woman does not understand that preseason football is important.”

“Sure. I’ll bring it by this afternoon. I’ll even help you.”

“I appreciate it.” Max tipped his hat and started to turn.

“How did you get through Rachel’s pregnancy? The first one. I can imagine this one is easier. Were you scared?” The question was out of Henry’s mouth and he couldn’t take it back.

Max turned, his eyes going wide. “Uh, this is probably one of those times I should call Rye in, but I’m super curious now.”

“Can you not be an asshole and just answer my question?”

Max seemed to think about it for a moment. “I think asshole is my default state, but I can put it off for a few seconds since we both know you’ll end up fixing that door and I’ll drink a beer while I watch you. So, the first time Rach was pregnant I was pretty freaked out. Do not look shit up on the Internet. It will not ease your mind. I don’t know who said knowledge is power, but they have obviously never had a pregnant wife. Knowledge is scary as shit. I found it was best if I just let Doc give me a thumbs-up at the end of an appointment.” He glanced around as though wanting to make sure no one was listening. “You and Nell trying?”

Henry shook his head. “Forget I said anything.”

“I’m real good at forgetting things. Ask my wife. If you need to talk, I can listen and totally forget until such time as you think it’s good for me to remember.” Max sighed and patted Henry’s shoulder. “When you come over, I’ll tell you how I trained Quigley to let me know when Rach’s water broke. You need a dog.”

Actually, that wasn’t a

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