Happily This Christmas (Happily Inc #6) - Susan Mallery Page 0,84

a serious chance of winning tonight’s game,” he said with a grin. “They won’t last the first round.”

“I assume you’re talking about them wanting to get home to their daughter and not their lack of skills at—” She glanced at the board games stacked on the bar. “Trivial Pursuit.”

“I was. Something tells me Bethany will be great at Trivial Pursuit. I’m guessing her knowledge of world history and geography is better than mine.”

“Not good with the rivers?” she asked, her voice teasing.

“The rivers get me every time.”

They joined their friends. Bethany shot Wynn a “we’ll talk about this later” look before waving over the server in the area.

“We’ve already ordered.” Bethany grinned. “One of the thrills of wrapping up my breastfeeding is I get to have alcohol again. Yay me, especially with them serving all those delicious holiday drinks.”

Cade shook his head. “Honey, you don’t even finish a glass of wine.”

“I know, but I could if I wanted.”

Wynn and Garrick placed their drink orders.

“Should we take bets on how long you’ll last?” Garrick asked with a grin.

“We’re staying for the whole first round,” Cade announced firmly. “Maybe.”

“Who’s home with Addison?” Wynn asked.

“My mother,” Cade said.

Wynn tried not to wince. Libby Saunders was a stern woman who frightened most people in town, but she loved her son and adored her granddaughter.

“I think she’s trying to get in as much time as she can now,” he added. “In case Bethany’s folks decide to fly in for the holidays.”

“They’re not going to just show up,” Bethany said.

“You sure about that?”

Bethany hesitated. “Not really.”

Wynn laughed. “The king and queen do like to make an entrance.”

“My dad likes to make an entrance,” Bethany corrected. “My mom just wants to see me and Addison.” She glanced at Cade. “And you, of course.”

“Of course,” he echoed. “I’m the favorite son-in-law. And the only son-in-law.”

Bethany laughed. “They love you.”

“Your dad told me he’d cut off my head if I ever disappointed you. Not that he would do it himself. I’m sure there’s a royal head-cutter-offer somewhere in the palace.”

The server appeared with their drinks. Garrick passed them out to the table.

“A royal father-in-law would be tough,” he said. “It adds a whole extra layer of pressure.”

Cade nodded. “Plus they go crazy with the presents. She’s still a baby. She doesn’t need a pony.”

“They’re not giving her a pony,” Bethany told him. “They’ll wait until she’s six.”

Wynn smiled at Garrick. “Did you get Joylyn a pony this year?”

“She and Chandler are still in the Marines. They don’t have anywhere to put it.” He picked up his beer. “He’ll have some leave when he gets home. I got them a week at a cabin in Lake Tahoe. They can take the baby and get away for a few days to be a family together.”

“That’s a great gift,” she said. “I’m sure she’ll love it.”

“I hope so.” He glanced at her. “How hard is it to throw a baby shower?”

“You’re thinking for Joylyn?”

“Uh-huh. The baby’s due on the twenty-fifth. Between her friend’s wedding, Chandler coming home and the holidays, I don’t think she’s going to have one. Doesn’t she need a baby shower?”

“It’s a tradition for sure,” Bethany said. “I wonder why her friends haven’t pulled one together.”

Wynn thought about the young women who had shown up over Thanksgiving weekend. “Most of her friends are still in college. I doubt it occurred to them. Her other group of friends are Marine wives. While they might want to put one on, she’s here and they’re in San Diego.”

Joylyn might have shown up in Happily Inc crabby and sad, but she’d changed in the short period of time she’d been here. She and Garrick had reconnected, and she was great with Hunter. The young mother-to-be deserved a baby shower.

“The only dates that make sense are this weekend,” she said. “I’m not sure we can pull it off so quickly, but if you want to try, I’ll help.”

“Let me text Alisha and see what she thinks. She’s the mom, after all.”

He excused himself and went outside. The second he was gone, Bethany leaned close to Wynn.

“You were holding hands! I saw! Tell me everything.”

“Not everything,” Cade added quickly, his expression pained. “Garrick and I are friends. There are things I don’t want to know.”

Wynn grinned at him. “I’ll only share the G-rated version.”

Bethany clapped her hands. “There’s another version? So you’re dating. When did this happen? You guys look great together, by the way. So tell me, tell me!”

“I’ve noticed him for a while,”

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