Hannibal Rising Page 0,39

twenty meters away.

"Do you know him?" Popil said.

"No," Leet said.

Trebelaux invited Hannibal and Lady Murasaki into the shelter of a recessed casement window. He was in his fifties, his bald head deeply suntanned, as were his hands. In the good light of the window, flakes were visible in his eyebrows. Hannibal had never seen him before.

Most men are happy to see Lady Murasaki. Trebelaux was not and she sensed it at once, though his manner was unctuous.

"I'm delighted to meet you, Madame. Is there a question of guardianship?"

"Madame is my valued advisor," Hannibal said. "You deal with me."

Be greedy, Popil said. Lady Murasaki will be the voice of moderation.

"There is a question of guardianship, Monsieur," Lady Murasaki said.

"But it's my painting," Hannibal said.

"You'll have to present your claim at a hearing before the commissioners, and they are booked solid for a year and a half. The painting will be impounded until then."

"I am in school, Monsieur Trebelaux, I had counted on being able to-"

"I can help you," Trebelaux said.

"Tell me how, Monsieur."

"I have a hearing scheduled on another matter in three weeks."

"You are a dealer, Monsieur?" Lady Murasaki asked.

"I would be a collector if I could, Madame. But to buy, I must sell.

It's a pleasure to have beautiful things in my hands if only for a little while. Your family's collection at Lecter Castle was small but exquisite."

"You knew the collection?" Lady Murasaki said.

"The Lecter Castle losses were listed with the MFAA by your late-by Robert Lecter, I believe."

"And you could present my case at your hearing?" Hannibal said.

"I would claim it for you under the Hague Convention of 1907; let me explain it to you-"

"Yes, under Article Forty-six, we have talked about it," Hannibal said, glancing at Lady Murasaki and licking his lips to appear avaricious.

"But we talked about a lot of options, Hannibal," Lady Murasaki said.

"What if I do not want to sell, Monsieur Trebelaux?" Hannibal said.

"You would have to wait your turn before the commission. You may be an adult by then."

"This painting is one of a pair, my husband explained to me," Lady Murasaki said. "They are worth much more together. You wouldn't happen to know where the other one is, the Canaletto?"

"No, Madame."

"It would be very much worth your while to find it, Monsieur Trebelaux."

She met Trebelaux's eyes. "Can you tell me how I can reach you?" she said, with the faintest emphasis on I.

He gave the name of a small hotel near the Gare del'Este, shook Hannibal 's hand without looking at him, and disappeared into the crowd.

Hannibal registered as a claimant, and he and Lady Murasaki wandered through the great jumble of art. Seeing the tracing of Mischa's hand left him numb, except for his face where he could feel her touch, patting his cheek.

He stopped in front of a tapestry called "The Sacrifice of Isaac" and looked at it for a long time. "Our upstairs corridors were hung with tapestries," he said. "I could just stand on my tiptoes and reach the bottom edges." He turned up the corner of the fabric and looked at the back. "I've always preferred this side of a tapestry. The threads and strings that make the picture."

"Like tangled thoughts," Lady Murasaki said.

He dropped the corner of the tapestry and Abraham quivered, holding his son's throat taut, the angel extending a hand to stop the knife.

"Do you think God intended to eat Isaac, and that's why he told Abraham to kill him?" Hannibal said.

"No, Hannibal. Of course not. The angel intervenes in time."

"Not always," Hannibal said.

When Trebelaux saw them leave the building, he wet his handkerchief in the men's room and returned to the picture. He looked around quickly. No museum officials were facing him. With a little thrill he took down the painting and, raising the glassine sheet, with his wet handkerchief he scrubbed the outline of Mischa's hand off the back. It could have happened from careless handling when the painting went into escrow. Just as well to get the sentimental value out of the way.


THE PLAINCLOTHES OFFICER Rene Aden waited outside Trebelaux's hotel until he saw the light go out in the third-floor walk-up. Then he went to the train station for a fast snack and was lucky to return to his post in time to see Trebelaux come out of the hotel again carrying a gym bag.

Trebelaux took a taxi from the line outside the Gare del'Este and crossed the Seine to a steam bath in the Rue de Babylone and went inside.

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