Hannah's Hero - Ruby Dixon Page 0,89

the tip of it.

He groans, and his hips surge against mine, reminding me that I’m still speared on his length. His arms go to my back and my legs, and then he turns, heading toward our nest of furs with me still on his cock, and every step he takes feels erotic and makes me crazy with need all over again. By the time he sets me down in the blankets, he’s hard again—thank you, resonance—and I’m squirming for more.

I don’t need anything but J’shel.



One Week Later

Old Grandfather lets out another angry, territorial cry in the distance, as he has every day for the last two handfuls of days. He smells something in his territory and does not like it, and I know what it is he smells—he smells us.

And we are not leaving. We cannot. Not while he is out there and can snatch my curvy little human mate up in one bite.

I grit my teeth as he cries again, sending out a warning to interlopers. I work on weaving my newest net, my fingers moving quickly over it. I have made four of them this day, careful to strip away only the dead, old vines from the greenery so I do not kill the lifegiving plants. I would rather have more spears, but since I cannot go outside, I must do with the one I have.

So I make nets. Small nets. Large nets. Weighted nets edged with fruit pits and the occasional half-rotted melon. I have nets covered with sticky sap from a fruit that all creatures avoid. I have lengths of vine-twisted rope ready to go and snowshoes made from more stiffened mats of vines for my mate’s feet.

We are ready to leave, if Old Grandfather would but fly away.

But he does not, so I continue to prepare. Below, I know T’shen does the same. His mate makes a small fire and carefully dries fruits, just as my mate does, and he works on nets and his spear.

And we wait. There is nothing to do but wait.

Well, no, there is one other thing to do. Mating. This has been the best two handfuls of days I have ever spent. Even though Old Grandfather threatens us outside, I have spent my time with H’nah, laughing and touching. We have swum in the water, slept lazily in the furs, and nibbled on fruit.

We have mated. Many, many times we have mated. Each time we come together, it feels as fresh and exciting as the first time. She is hungry for my touch, eager for my caresses, and cries out with need every time I sink my cock into her hot cunt. I worried she would change the moment resonance was fulfilled. That she would look at me and not feel the same anymore now that it was no longer demanding that we mate constantly. I dreaded the day that I would hear her khui’s song change. But the morning that it did? I woke up to her mouth on my cock, her hand on my sac, and she licked me and suckled me until I spent my seed on her hot little tongue.

I flipped her onto her back and gave her cunt a turn, of course. And then we mated again, my cock deep inside her, just because we wanted to.

Now it has been quiet for nearly a hand of days, but I do not feel any different, and H’nah reaches for me as often as she did before. Her smile is as welcoming as ever, and I start to think that perhaps this is truly what I am meant to have—a sweet human mate and a kit on the way.

My heart aches with the joy of it.

First, though, I must protect her from Old Grandfather.

I look over at my mate, where she sleeps in the furs. Just watching her causes me to feel possessive and hungry to touch her. She is all pink, flushed skin, her soft body naked in our furs. She wears her leafy skirt less and less, which I like. I like seeing the tuft of fur between her thighs and the rounded bounce of her bottom. I love the jiggle of her teats as she walks. I love all of it.

As I stare hungrily at her, her eyes open and she yawns, then smiles sleepily at me. She stretches, her arms rising over her head and making her teats lift. I eye them appreciatively, noting that she still has a pink mark on one

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