Hannah's Hero - Ruby Dixon Page 0,84

front or my back?”

“Oooh, sexy,” I tease. “Let’s do front so you can hold onto me better if I lose my grip.”

“You forget I have four arms to hold you tight,” he murmurs, then pulls me against him so abruptly that our bodies slap together. “Put your arms around my neck.”

When he leans down, I do as he says, and then he hitches me against him, dragging my legs around his trunk-like waist. I’m acutely aware of how close our faces are and how bare my pussy is, and my cootie starts up again.

He must be thinking the same thing, because J’shel pauses and gives me an expectant look, silently asking if we want to go back to the furs.

“Swim now, more sex later,” I promise him.

J’shel grins and kisses the tip of my nose. “I shall hold you to that.”

“Good, because I don’t plan on changing my mind,” I tell him, and then squeeze my eyes shut as he bounds toward the edge of the cliff. There’s no fear in him as he quickly flips our joined bodies about and then begins to move down the vines as if it’s the most natural thing in the world. Me, I’m terrified, and I cling to him like a baby koala as his big body moves down the cliffside. The roar of the water gets louder, telling me that we’re approaching, and it isn’t until I feel J’shel give a little hop and then go still that I crack one eye open.

We’re at the bottom. I glance around as J’shel gently sets me onto my feet, automatically looking for Brooke and Taushen. I spot Taushen first, his big blue body naked on the edge of the pool. He’s propped up on one side, gazing at the water, and I carefully avert my eyes before I see anything improper. He clearly doesn’t care if I see his bait and tackle, but I do. A moment later, I spot Brooke erupt from the pool, spitting out a mouthful of water and then flopping onto her back. She’s completely naked, too, her boobs bouncing as she does a backstroke. She spots us and straightens, waving an arm. “Hey guys! Come join us!”

“Is this a bad time?” I ask, shielding my eyes with my hand despite the fact that there’s no sunlight. It just seems…polite in the face of so much nudity. I glance over at J’shel to see if he’s wigged out by it.

Nope. My dude’s already stripping his loincloth off and tossing it aside. He wanders over to Taushen and sits down next to him, easing his legs into the water. “Go on, H’nah,” he tells me when I hesitate. “I will watch over you.”

“There’s nothing alive down here,” Brooke says with a chuckle. “Other than me and my man.”

“Is this weird?” I ask, holding on to the edge of my tunic as she swims closer to me. I’m not quite ready to haul it over my head. “I feel like this is weird.”

Brooke laughs, swimming a few feet away from where I hesitate. The pool must be deep with steep sides, because it looks just like the world’s most tempting swimming pool and I want to be in there so badly. “If you mean weird by ‘is this going to turn into an orgy,’ no thanks.” Brooke grins up at me. “It’s just skin, dude. These people don’t care. You’re the only one that does.”

I glance over at my J’shel, but he’s not even paying attention to Brooke’s nakedness. He’s kicking his legs in the water, leaning over with his elbows on his big thighs, and chats with Taushen. Occasionally he looks over at me, his gaze possessive and protective at once. He really doesn’t care that Brooke’s naked or that she’s got a much better body than me. All he cares about is me.

That’s…a nice feeling.

I strip off my tunic before I can think about it too hard, and quickly slip into the water. I immediately dunk under, because just as I suspected, it’s deep. It’s also not as cool as I’d hoped. The water’s warm like a bath, but as I resurface and slick my wet hair from my face, I decide I don’t care. This is still nice. We can’t bathe full-body over at the beach, not unless we want to get up close and friendly with all the slimy, tentacle-like things that live in the water.

I glance over at J’shel, and he’s watching me now, amusement curling his

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