Hannah's Hero - Ruby Dixon Page 0,57

the initial surge of the chakk is wearing off. Good. She is too silly too quickly for my liking. Next time, she only gets one leaf. I forget that her human body is much smaller than even the smallest of the People.

“J’shel?” she asks, gazing up at me.


The look in her eyes is sultry and playful, and my cock jerks against my loincloth. I wish that she was not full of chakk and looking at me like that. I wish the heat in her eyes was there when she was herself, because I would take her in my arms and make her mine, just as our khuis demand.

“We should play a game,” she says, reaching for me with her good hand. “Come here.”

I bite back my frown, trying to figure out what she is doing. She pulls me down next to her on the furs and then sprawls herself against my chest, wrapping her arms around me.

“A…game?” I choke out. Her sweat-slicked skin against mine is distracting. Very, very distracting.

“They’re playing games back home, aren’t they? So we should play some here.” She tucks her bad hand against her chest and the other moves to my stomach. She “walks” them up my belly, still playful despite drinking water. “How about truth or dare?”

“I do not know this game.” I put one arm around her shoulders and gently pat her back. “Perhaps now is a time to rest instead of games.”

“So truth or dare is a game where you take turns asking each other questions,” she continues on, ignoring my words. I ask you something and if you don’t want to answer it, I dare you to do something.”

This sounds similar to some of the games kits played back home. “Very well.”

“Me first.” She pokes my navel. “Truth or dare?”

I frown down at her. “I thought you asked it and I decided if I wished to say truth or dare.”

“Oh. Right.” She purses her lips, thinking. “Okay. TRUTH.” She bellows the word out. “Would you rather be here with the chick from your old tribe? Your high school girlfriend? Than with me?” H’nah looks up at me, her eyes shiny with chakk but intent on my answer.

I do not know what a “hi-skool girl friend” is, but I can guess who she means. “No,” I tell her honestly. “I would not be here with anyone but you, H’nah. I like being with you.”

H’nah gives me another silly smile. “Good answer. Your turn.”

I think for a moment. I want to ask her the same thing—if she would rather be here with another male—but it feels like cheating at her game. Another question comes to mind. “Would you rather be back home on your planet than here with me?”

Her silly smile immediately fades and a look of uncertainty crosses her face. “I…I don’t know.”

She looks so sad that I feel guilty. I squeeze her arm, holding her close to my chest. “That is a bad question. I will ask a different truth instead.”

She bites her lip and nods.

“Would you resonate to another if you could?”

She thinks for a moment, her fingers playing on my stomach in the most distracting way. My cock is hard and aching, but since she is ignoring it, I will, too. “No, I wouldn’t,” she says. “I like you, remember?”

I smile. “I remember.”

“You’re pretty.”

And I have to chuckle at that. Not all the chakk is gone from her system, it seems. “It is your turn now.”

“If you could give N’dek his leg back but it would mean you never came here and just lived on your island the rest of your life, would you?”

She pins me with her gaze, and I cannot speak around the knot in my throat. Would I heal N’dek, knowing it would cost me H’nah? “I would not. Does this make me a bad person, H’nah?”

“Nah.” Her look turns mischievous. “It makes you my person.” She leans down and licks my nipple, a mischievous look on her face. “Let’s do dares now.”

I bite back a groan of need. “H’nah—”

“I dare you to lick me in all the spots you were thinking of,” she whispers. “All of them.”

I want this.

I want this more than anything.

She is looking up at me with heat in her eyes, her body pressed to mine, her mouth on my skin. There is an invitation in her smile…and she is intoxicated with chakk leaves.

I sigh. And because of the chakk leaves, this cannot happen. “No, H’nah.”

She pouts again, so lovely and enticing

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