Hannah's Hero - Ruby Dixon Page 0,47

bite out of the fruit I hold for her.

Red juice dribbles down her pale skin and she lets out a soft little moan of pleasure. “Oh my god, that’s so good.” She puts her fingers to her mouth to cover it while she chews, smiling sheepishly up at me. “I’m making a mess.”

“My fault,” I say, and I reach out and brush one droplet of juice off her chin, then lift it to my mouth and lick my thumb clean.

H’nah’s lips part and she stares at me as I suck the juice off my finger. She is fascinated, and her gaze flicks to mine before she blushes and wipes at her chin.

I am pleased at her response, though. This is progress. I hold the other half of the fruit out to her. “Do not eat the pit. It will make your stomach turn.”

She nods and pops the rest of the fruit into her mouth, chewing quietly as she peers over the edge of the ledge. I watch her, memorizing her movements, her expressions, the way she licks her fingers and then blushes, as if thinking of me. Then, she waves at someone below.

B’rukh’s voice calls up, “I’m in heaven! I’m going to eat so much fruit I’ll look like a melon myself!”

H’nah laughs, peering down over the edge. “Are you guys going swimming?”

“You should join us!” B’rukh calls.

“Maybe later. I’m gonna relax up here for now.” She waves again and then straightens up, moving away from the edge. Her face is bright red and the embarrassment is on her cheeks once more. She moves toward me, whispering. “You can join them if you want, but I have to warn you, there’s a whole lotta naked down there right now.”

I chuckle. “You think naked bothers me? I have spent most of my days wearing nothing but a leaf over my cock.”

She looks surprised, and then gives her head a little shake. “I guess I should have realized that. Was it hot on the island, then?” She tugs at the collar of her leathers, pulling them away from her skin. “Because it’s hot in here.”

“It was like this, yes,” I agree. “We will be more comfortable if we take some layers off.”

She considers me for a moment, and then nods. “Maybe just a few layers.”

H’nah waits, watching me, and so I turn away so she can take her leathers off. I set my pack down against the cave wall and then toss my cloak off, scratching at my sweaty skin. It feels good to peel off the layers, and I remove as much as I can. Boots, leggings, everything but a loincloth, because I do not want her to run away out of shyness if I show too much. Down below, I can hear T’shen and his mate splashing and shrieking with delight in the water. Their happy noises make H’nah laugh, and I glance over at her.

My mouth goes dry.

H’nah is almost naked. It is the first time I have seen so much of her, and I am fascinated. She wears a loincloth like I do—a strip of leather that goes between the thighs and is held up on both ends by a belt—and over her teats she wears a tight leather band. Other than that, she is all pale, pink-and-white skin. Her waist is gently rounded, and her buttocks look like they were made to be gripped by my large hands. The two brown tails of her hair brush at her shoulders, reminding me that I tasted her neck not too long ago. I want to touch her everywhere, and I groan at the realization that my loincloth will not do much to hide how hard my cock is at the sight of her.

She glances over at me and her cheeks are bright red even as she pulls off a boot. “If you’re in a loincloth, I can be in a loincloth too, right?”

“I would prefer you were in less,” I tell her honestly. “But wear what pleases you.”

My answer makes her giggle, and I see the indention peek out of her cheek. She does not look over at me, and I know she is feeling shy. Just as well—it will take a bit for my cock to ease from its straining hardness. I crouch by the greenery, pretending to study them to hide my erection, and notice the walls here seem to be wrapped with tubes that are nearly covered by the vines. “There are things under here,” I

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