Hangovers and Holidays - Heather Long Page 0,118

eyes and the curiosity in Archie’s, but it was Coop narrowing his eyes at me that made me smile widest.

“When did you, Ms. Safer than Sex Driver get a ticket?”

“Week before I got the restrictions off my license,” I told him, and then downed the shot and grimaced. Holy crap, that stuff was awful. It burned all the way down to my belly and had my eyes watering. “Smooth,” I coughed.

Archie snickered. “It can be, you’re just a lightweight.”

“Then it’s so good we’re starting with whiskey.” I licked my lips and put the shot glass back on the table.

“The week before you got the restriction taken off?” Coop pressed. “You didn’t say anything.”

“’Cause it was embarrassing.” I blew out a breath. The heat detonated in my belly and definitely chased away even the illusion of chill. “And it probably would have pissed you off.”

That earned me a look even more intense than the first half of my answer. “Explain.”

“Dude.” Jake flung the pillow at him that Ian had tossed earlier. “Chill with the ’tude.”

Coop ignored him and pinned me with a look. “Fine, it’s not a big deal now, I just… Maddy was gone, again, doing whatever, and Tiddles was sick. I had to take him to the vet, and my license said I couldn’t drive without a licensed, over eighteen driver in the car, and I hadn’t had a chance to hit the DMV ’cause…” I made a wave with my hand. Maddy again. No need to get there. “So I took him. Got pulled over on my way back for a rolling stop because I was tired. Got a ticket, went and got the restriction off my license that weekend, and got the ticket dismissed. They cut me a break. But yes, I’ve had a traffic ticket. If we’re going by age, then you’re next.”

He glared, at the shot glasses not me, and sighed. A muscle ticked in his jaw, but he clearly needed a distraction.

“Probably wouldn’t have gotten it if I’d dared to flirt with the cop. He was cute.”

Now he glared at me, and so did the other guys. I swallowed a smile. Goal achieved.

“Never have I ever not noticed when someone was flirting with me.” Damn.

“Wow,” I said as I reached for my shot glass. “Rude.”

Archie snickered. “You tried to make him jealous.”

“No, I succeeded.” I tossed back the shot, and that wasn’t as bad as the first one. Exhaling, I slid the glass back to the table for Coop to refill. “But you guys may have to tuck me in shortly, because holy crap, that’s strong.”

“We’ll look after you,” Jake promised, then elbowed Archie. “You’re up.”

He studied me a beat and said, “Never have I ever had a good day with my dad.” The darkness in his eyes promised every single word was true. Archie may have made his peace with what a piece of shit his father was, but that didn’t mean I had to like it.

“Suck up,” Jake teased, and it helped, lightening the mood a fraction as he, Coop, and Ian all took their shots. My hand didn’t even twitch toward my glass. Couldn’t have a good day with a person who didn’t exist.

“Can’t help it if it’s the truth,” Archie said, sprawling back and rubbing a finger along his lower lip. But when I raised my brows, a little worried about him, he smiled. It was the barest curl of his lips, but it told me he was okay.

The guys shook off their shots, and then Coop refilled the glasses.

“Never have I ever,” Jake began and then considered his answer, before smiling at me, “wanted someone the way I want you.”

No one reached for a drink, and the silence in the room swelled with everything that statement held.

“And you called me a suck up,” Archie mused, alleviating some of the tension, and laughter rippled through the room.

“Your turn, Baby Girl.” Challenge twinkled in his eyes, amusement that dared me to get them back for their teasing.

I could totally do that.

“Never have I ever gone down on a girl.”

The rich baritone of his laughter as the guys groaned buoyed me. But all four of them did their shots.

“You asked for it,” Ian told me. “Never have I ever gone down on a guy.”

Yeah, I could have seen that one coming. I did my shot, and wow, my lips were tingling. And around we went again.

“Never have I ever…cheated on a test.”

To my utter shock, Archie did a shot, and we all

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