Hands Down - Mariana Zapata Page 0,132

out in front of him and kept going. He shot me a little side-look that was mostly a frown. “If there’s somethin’ I can do to help, I’m serious, let me know.”

I knew he was serious, so I nodded at him.

“We goin’ to that Halloween party?” he asked.

I’d forgotten all about it, even though the owner-guy had brought it up again—pointing a finger at me as he said it like there was another Baker Girl around—after everyone had made it through the haunted house. But I’d been too distracted bickering with Zac about my wedge boots to do more than smile and nod. But now I wasn’t distracted.

“I thought he was just being nice inviting me.”

He slanted me a look. “He told you twice and texted me as we were leavin’,” he explained. “You’ll come then?”

“When is it? I don’t have a costume, and I’m trying to save my money right now to pay off the photographer.” It was the truth. Regardless of how far I took my willingness to quit, I had to save everything I possibly could until then. “I shouldn’t be spending on things like that.”

He gave me the same exact expression he had a moment ago. “You need money? Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I don’t need money. I just don’t need to be spending it right now.” I smiled at him. “But thank you for worrying. I’m sure you can get—”

“Bianca, I swear if you try and pawn me off on some make-believe other friend again—”

“I’m gonna tell Mama,” I mocked him before bursting out laughing.

He pressed his lips together.

I laughed harder, so hard there were tears in my eyes by the time he decided to ignore what I was doing and saying. He hadn’t forgotten what we were talking about.

“I’ll let you borrow whatever money you need to pay for your photographer,” he stated, that frown back on his face.

I would never take his money… unless I absolutely had to, but I wasn’t there yet. I didn’t feel like arguing with him, so I said nothing instead and let him keep yammering on.

“And if you go with me to pick out a costume, I’ll get yours too.”

I sighed. “You can go by yourself, you know.”

“If I wanted to go by myself, I would.”

I bet he would.

I’d bet if he wanted a date with some pretty woman, he could get it in about a split second too. That’s what I’d been on the verge of reminding him. But instead, he wanted to go with me. I wasn’t sure why. I really didn’t understand it. As far as I knew, he hadn’t been out with anyone, anywhere, not since the day of his party. All his posts had been football related.

Every time I wondered why he liked to spend time with me, the only question in my head that came up was that it might be because he could be himself around me. But that didn’t add up because he didn’t act differently around other people. Maybe he was slightly more ridiculous in my presence, but the true essence of him, he shared with everyone. It was part of what made him so likable and charismatic. Also, it was those damn eyes.

And the rest of him, honestly.

It had touched me that he’d gone to the haunted house to support his teammate. It said a lot about him. At least I thought so.

Well, whatever. I wasn’t going to bring it up, so I was never going to know; therefore, I had to take the information available to me—that if he wanted to go with someone else, he easily could—and make a decision.

“Okay. It can be my Christmas present,” I agreed.

He huffed but nodded. So I leaned forward and poked at him and got poked back in return. We smiled at each other.

“My friends are plannin’ on comin’ to visit to watch a game,” he said. “Not sure when yet. They’ve got three kids. I really want you to meet ’em.”

He did? I nodded. “Okay. Tell me when.”

His attention moved forward again, and a moment later, his phone started ringing from its spot on the middle cushion between us, right next to my foot. I took a peek at the screen and saw the name flash across it before he hit the ignore button.


I swallowed.

Zac was silent for a second, but he wasn’t looking at his phone—he’d barely glanced at it. He was focused on the television.

He wasn’t even looking at me either when he dropped his

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