Guilty Bastard (Grim Bastards MC) - Shelley Springfield Page 0,4

“I know you were.”

A minute ago, having a drink alone with Rocky seemed completely innocent. Now, it feels totally wrong. It almost seems like I’m betraying Round in some way, like I would be cheating on him. It doesn’t matter that it will be nothing more than two friends catching up; it could look like two old lovers reconnecting.

“Are you sure you don’t want to join us?” I ask, chewing on my bottom lip. “Surely, you have time for a drink.”

“Maybe later.” Smoke shakes his head and smiles. “Go have some fun. You deserve it. When I get done with my shit, I may join you.”

“Are you sure?” I ask, still worrying my lip.

“I’m sure, Lisa.” With that, he walks away.

Before I can even process his words, Rocky grabs my arm and leads me down the hall. “You heard the VP. It’s time to have some fun.”



Swallowing the last of my beer, I hold up the empty bottle and motion for the prospect to bring me a fresh one. Just as the bottle is set on the table in front of me, Smoke sits down across the table and grabs it. One side of his lips tip up as he lifts it to his mouth.

I shake my head at my son and lift my hand to the prospect. “Bring me another and don’t let me go dry again.”

“Lisa’s making her pot roast tonight,” he says as he sets the bottle down and leans back in his chair. “She told me to be there around six.”

My woman can cook. When she stayed at the club, she kept all the boys fed. Now that she’s at home with me, half of them end up at our dinner table every night. Even if none of the others show up, we can usually count on Smoke. She doesn’t seem to mind, though. Hell, I think she likes having them there more than I do.

“Yeah, she’s also making peach cobbler, so I’d get there earlier.” Lifting my chin, I grab the beer from the prospect. “If not, one of the brothers will be there eating it all before she even gets it to the table.”

Smoke leans forward, placing his forearms on the table. “I’ll be there at five, but tell those fuckers to lay off my food.”

I let out a chuckle and nod. “I’ll do my best.”

My son stares at me for a second, losing his smile. “She’s been living in your house for nearly a year now. Hell, she’s the only woman you’ve let near you since Mom died. If we’re being honest, she’s the only one that’s been near you long before that. Don’t you think it’s about damn time you claim her?”

My heart starts to pound as sweat pops up on my forehead. This is the third time I’ve had this discussion this week. Every fucking brother in the club wants me to know he’s waiting in the background for my woman. Either I claim her, or someone else will. Being my son, I didn’t expect to get shit from Smoke, not considering his mom died less than a year ago. She was killed instantly when her tire hit a patch of ice, sending her car rolling off the road.

I figured he’d be pissed at me for replacing his mother, especially so damn soon. He doesn’t know the hell my marriage was or what a bitch Lauri could be, though. She was a hell of a mother, always doing anything she could for her kids, but wasn’t so great at being a wife.

“I already had one old lady. I ain’t looking for another one,” I reply, taking another drink of my beer.

As much as I care for Lisa, that shit isn’t going to happen. Once a woman is claimed, she changes. She can be sweet as hell and wild in bed, then in the blink of an eye, the woman you know is gone. Doesn’t matter if you are putting a ring on her finger or a cut on her back, she becomes someone else. I’m not going down that road again.

“Rocky’s back. He wants her, Dad. He’s wanted her for years. If you don’t claim her, he’s going to make her his,” Smoke tells me, leaning back in his chair again. “I don’t want to see you lose her, just because you’re being so damn stupid.”

Anger pulses through me at the thought of Rocky laying his hands on Lisa. He’s a good brother, took a hit for the club and kept Copyright 2016 - 2024