The Guest & The Change - By M. D. Bowden Page 0,40

she’d be questioned by the police - what if she acted suspiciously? How would her kids fare then?

Daniel interrupted her thoughts, ‘I think we should say we don’t know what happened, we went searching for him but got lost in the woods and didn’t have a cell phone. It’s not entirely implausible, that could happen. It’s certainly more plausible than what actually happened. I think we should say that we didn’t find Jo, that we still don’t know anything - that he is missing.’

‘We got lost for two days? Seems a little unbelievable,’ Sarah answered. ‘But what else can we say?’ she sighed, exasperated at the thought of explaining everything to them. ‘If I tell them I’ve been unconscious for two days they will go seriously insane. So ok, I will tell them we got lost - I don’t know how I could tell them the truth anyway. But what about the fact you rang them and asked them to stay in?’

‘We could say you had a bad feeling, were worried they might be in danger with Jo missing.’

‘But according to what we’re planning on telling them, nothing has changed, the danger would still be there, Jo’s still missing after all. They might think someone is out there - kidnapping people, or murdering people.’

‘Yes, well, maybe it’s best for them to still be on alert, to stay inside.’

‘Why?’ Sarah eyed him wearily, surely they were safe now.

‘Sebastian may be dead, but there is a risk he turned someone else, there may still be vampires out there.’ Sarah looked at him searchingly, suspecting there was something he was leaving out.

‘I better ring my parents now. Just try not to listen - you’ll make me feel self-conscious!’

‘I’ll do my best,’ he said smirking at her.

That smirk - it drove her insane. It made her want to rip his clothes off right there, to forget about ringing her family.

But she couldn’t. She needed to know her kids were ok, and she didn’t want to be entirely inconsiderate of her parents’ feelings.

She picked up the phone and dialed their number. She listened to the phone ringing - her heart was pounding with anxiety, not knowing how they were going to react.

‘Hello?’ her Mom answered, a concerned and desperate edge to her voice.

‘Mom, it’s me!’ Sarah said.


‘Yes Mom, I’m ok. I’m so sorry - we’ve been lost. Unbelievable - I know! We were looking for Jo and went a really long way. It got dark and we carried on, I know we were stupid, but because we went so far in the dark we lost track of our bearings. We couldn’t call as I’d forgotten to take my cell phone. Everything looked the same! It was crazy Mom, I’m so, so sorry. Are you ok? Are Megan and Bea ok? Is Dad angry at me?’ Sarah couldn’t help but rabbit on. She wanted to elaborate, to create some drama in the situation - at least to create some sympathy. What she had actually gone through was far worse than what she was saying, but she felt like she deserved some reassurance and comfort - and didn’t know how else to reach out for it.

‘Sarah, calm down. It’s ok, everyone is fine. We’ve just been so worried! Where are you now?’ her Mom asked. She sounded immensely relieved.

‘I’m at The Woodman. It’s where Daniel’s staying. When we arrived back at the edge of town it was the closest place to come to. I need to have a shower before I come and see you all, I’m disgustingly dirty after two days in the forest.’

‘Yes, that’s fine. Really. Take your time and clean yourself up. We will be here, waiting for you. Megan is missing you, and Bea is a little confused - she’s asked after you, but they are fine. Your father isn’t angry, he’s just been worried.’

‘Can I talk to Megan?’ Sarah asked.

‘They’re in the bath, your father’s with them, so best if you wait until you get here.’

Sarah paused, disappointed, she really wanted to hear their voices.

‘Don’t worry - you’ll see them soon!’ her Mom said.

‘Yeah, ok Mom. I really won’t be long - I’ll be with you soon. Bye,’ Sarah said.

‘Bye Sarah, see you in a bit.’

Sarah put the phone down. She was relieved - her Mom had been pretty understanding. Her kids were ok and she would see them soon. She smiled slightly at the thought of their faces, and imagined them running towards her, delighted to see her after so long.

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