The Guest & The Change - By M. D. Bowden Page 0,34

for Sebastian to find Daniel. He’d taken the form of a cat, slinking around corners unnoticed. He’d sensed Daniel feeding. Indulging in his own blood bath. Preparing for a fight, no doubt to win back his woman.

He watched as a drunken couple emerged from behind the building, then came Daniel, looking all dark and intimidating. He radiated power, probably not thinking to hide it. Sebastian wondered how many victims he’d taken. Daniel went back inside the bar.

Sebastian sat there waiting, deciding that this was it, next time Daniel emerged he would confront him. End it.

Daniel was out in minutes, far quicker than Sebastian had imagined. He had a pretty blond in toe, she looked giddy and happy to be with him. He followed them around the corner and watched as Daniel bit into her, no prelude at all. No fun - boring Daniel.

He considered just staking him in the back while he was feeding, like Daniel had done to Jo. But that wasn’t really his style. Plus, he hadn’t actually brought any stakes with him, killing vampires wasn’t exactly his style either. It would be decapitation for Daniel. Or ripping out his heart, that would work too.

He resumed his form and approached from behind - Daniel didn’t even notice, so consumed was he in his feed. ‘Daniel,’ he taunted.

Daniel quickly pulled back, influencing the girl to forget and run, both in one simple breath. She lurched away, but she could never be faster than Sebastian. Sebastian moved at high speed, blocking her way.

She was a pretty one, all those blond waves and rounded features. He smiled at her seductively. As she started to return his smile, blood flowing to her face in a blush, he snapped her neck. She fell to the ground in a useless heap. Daniel scowled. Moving almost as fast, Daniel was before Sebastian, and rammed him hard in the chest.

‘What have you done with Sarah?’ Daniel asked.

‘She’s safe, but you are not having her back.’ Sebastian went for him, he pushed Daniel hard. He fell back, hitting his head on the stone. Sebastian contracted his leg muscles, and in one smooth motion, he sprang, landing on top of Daniel, pinning him down.

Daniel wasn’t putting up much of a fight. How dull. He lay there, still scowling. I might as well end this now, and he reached for Daniel’s cool neck. But as he touched his skin he felt an odd sensation, first a light tingling, then his power started flowing down his arms, out of his fingers. Into Daniel. He tried to pull away, but his fingers wouldn’t move, they were stuck. He looked into Daniel’s face, he was concentrating hard, focused within.

Rising panic filled him, his power was now rushing out of him, he could sense Daniel growing stronger. This was not going as he had planned. What was happening? How had Daniel learnt this?

He felt himself weaken, it spread from his fingers, and ran through his veins to his heart, he felt it still, and opened his eyes wide. This was not how he had expected his life to end.

As the weakness rose, his last power left his body. At that moment his fingers were released from Daniel, and everything went black.


Daniel gasped as the last vestiges of Sebastian’s power entered him. Sebastian fell back and Daniel rose, pushing Sebastian’s weight from his body with ease.

He couldn’t believe it, he had held A LOT of power. He felt strength coursing through him, everything was heightened.

And Sebastian… he lay before him, mummified. His skin had gone all wrinkly and dry, his hair had lost its shine and had faded in color. His body was slumped, his eyes were dim. Daniel reached over and closed them, so he didn’t feel them watching what he had to do next.

He pulled out a wooden stake, previously hidden in his jacket, and braced himself. This would end it for good, all he’d have to do was find Sarah and they could be together. He wouldn’t be bothered by Sebastian any more, wouldn’t have to fight. He could be at peace.

He rammed the stake into Sebastian’s chest.

Daniel moved back, watching from a distance as flames sprang from within Sebastian, feeling the heat as they consumed him.

He waited, wanting to be sure that he was really gone. He wasn’t going to take any risks. The flames lit up the alley one final time, then dispersed. In their place were fine ashes, all that remained of Sebastian.

Daniel was prepared for this too, Copyright 2016 - 2024