The Guest & The Change - By M. D. Bowden Page 0,27

He put his finger to his lips to indicate silence, then he kissed her, but this kiss was not like any they had shared before. It was like a doorway had opened and she could see into his mind. She felt awe, but this was soon interrupted by Daniel’s voice - speaking directly into her mind.

‘I influenced you to calm down as I didn’t want any vampires to sense you. The sound of your heart beat is driving me wild.’ Sarah felt her face heat, his lips still against hers. Then his mind turned serious, ‘I pulled you back here because I can smell blood. I think we must be close.’

Sarah hesitated a second, not sure how to return his thought. Then she felt his mind enter hers and he showed her, it was like a little release, neurons changing paths, an opening. ‘What shall we do?’ she asked. The thought flowed smoothly to Daniel, it felt amazing to communicate like this. She would have dwelt on it longer had it not been for the urgency of the situation.

‘Let’s move closer, hide in the shadows and watch. We’ll see if they appear. If you want to communicate again do it mind to mind. You will be able to do it now just touching skin to skin, holding hands.’

‘OK,’ Sarah said, feeling a touch of apprehension.

Daniel took her hand and led her closer, keeping close to the sides of buildings. They saw the bar door start to open and ducked into the shadow of a doorway. Daniel’s trick had worked well - Sarah’s heart didn’t speed up and she remained in control. Standing as far back as she could, she watched closely as Jo emerged from inside, pulling a young brunette behind him. She was small and skimpily dressed. Sarah instantly felt betrayed, seeing Jo with another woman, just as she’d dreaded. This situation wasn’t even close to anything she’d ever dreamt about though. Sarah saw the girl wrap her arms around herself as the cold air hit her, Jo leading her on towards an alley.

Daniel tightened his grip on her hand and spoke mind to mind. ‘This is it, Sebastian’s not in sight so we need to act now. When they go round the corner we follow.’

‘We need a plan,’ Sarah projected back.

‘You stay back, watch, and I will attack.’

Sarah felt a rush of dread engulf her - if he attacked he would kill Jo. She felt sick. But again, visions of his snarling blood covered face entered her mind. She nodded and held tightly to Daniel as they quickly followed Jo, entering the alley they’d seen him and the girl disappear down. It took her eyes a minute to adjust as Daniel raced forwards, then she saw Jo. He was against the wall, holding the girl tightly. Feeding on her.

His eyes snapped up and met Sarah’s - she stepped back as she saw them glow red, and he dropped the girl, discarding her. Blood dripped from his mouth and he snarled.

In that second Daniel hit into him and Jo turned his attention to his immediate threat. Sarah watched as they fell to the floor, pulling a stake out of her pocket, holding it ready to strike. Jo rolled over, away from Daniel, they were moving so fast she could barely see what was going on. She didn’t dare move any closer, not wanting to get in Daniel’s way. Daniel jumped on Jo, his teeth extending. Sarah felt even sicker, she didn’t know what to do. A big part of her just wanted to run, but she was frozen to the spot, staring wildly at the action before her.

Another part of her wanted to jump in, to end this now. She felt angry at Jo, and disgusted by his actions. But she also felt sorry for him, that this had happened at all. She still felt guilty at her anger. This really wasn’t his fault. But there wasn’t anything she could do about it now. He’d killed a girl, right in front of her. He had to die.

She stepped closer, but as she did she saw Daniel pin Jo on his back and draw out a stake. Before he got a chance to use it Jo mustered all his strength and pushed him back, then jumped up and kicked him in the stomach with both feet, sending Daniel and the stake flying back. Jo ran at Sarah, so fast that she barely saw him coming. She braced herself, holding her Copyright 2016 - 2024