The Guest & The Change - By M. D. Bowden Page 0,18

suspected he had heard that distant heartbeat, the heartbeat of a human. Jo would be able to pick that up already. It was such a natural instinct, the attraction to the sound of the human heart pounding. He probably wouldn’t even notice there was another vampire with her.

He didn’t think any of them were in any real danger. Daniel would stop Jo hurting Sarah. Sarah would stop Daniel hurting Jo. It was the emotional response he was eager to watch, and the consequences he would find amusement in.

He sensed Jo sending out tendrils of power - he must be wrapping them around Sarah now, pulling her closer. I wonder if Daniel will even notice. I would, but then, I am stronger than Daniel.

In the distance he spotted movement as Sarah appeared, Jo’s full attention on her. Sebastian watched Jo’s teeth extend in anticipation of her blood. He knew he desired Sarah’s blood, Sebastian had picked up that thought trail from Jo. Thoughts could project themselves like wisps of power, only detectable by those strong enough, and interested enough, to perceive them.

Jo froze as he watched Sarah, his prey, appear. Then, without a thought, acting on pure instinct, he sprinted. Sebastian watched as Daniel’s eyes snapped into focus - in less than a second he had released Sarah’s hand. Moving at lightning speed he was in front of her, bracing himself for Jo’s attack. Sebastian laughed - this was brilliant, just what he’d hoped for. Jo skidded to a halt snarling, teeth extending, looking for a way to get around the wall that was Daniel. The look on Sarah’s face. Magnificent! Shock, anger, horror. She was stepping away, removing herself from the situation, preparing to run, yet transfixed on the sites before her. She looked so tempting Sebastian nearly abandoned his plan and considered going into the fray and just taking her for himself. He withheld that desire though, and watched.

Jo went for it, he obviously couldn’t help himself. The desire was too strong, and he didn’t yet understand Daniel’s strength. All he could think of was the blood. Sarah’s blood. He tried to ricochet off a tree, jumping towards Sarah. Daniel was faster, he blocked Jo’s path with his body, but he tumbled down and Jo darted over his head towards his goal.

Sarah hastily backed away, too shocked to do anything but stare now. Watching her husband, a monster. A vampire.

Sebastian could see Jo - he looked wild, fierce, bloody, savage. As any new vampire would. Jo launched himself at Sarah, pushing into her chest and flattening her against the leafy floor. Daniel was fast though, he righted himself and grabbed Jo from behind, yanking him off Sarah. Soon Daniel would lose control of himself, Sebastian could see the signs. This was definitely good afternoon entertainment, a fun way to while away the hours until the real hunt tonight.

Jo pulled his hungry eyes away from Sarah, the most desirable prey a new vampire could wish for, to eye up this new vampire protecting her. He attacked, launching himself at Daniel with all his speed and strength. Sebastian was impressed - Jo was pretty strong for a newbie. Jo knocked Daniel back, trying to take him out, to reach Sarah.

As Daniel fell back he hit a tree, snapping off a branch as he did.

This is not so good, thought Sebastian.

Jo lurched towards Daniel - meaning to rip his head off from the look of the snarl on his face. Daniel rammed the wood into Jo’s shoulder. It sank deep - not a killing blow, it didn’t touch his heart.

Sebastian watched Jo’s reaction; he actually hissed, first at Daniel, then at Sarah, before running at lightning speed away from the scene. Sarah looked from the retreating Jo, to Daniel, rugged from the fight. She backed away from him, fear and horror on her face as she ran.

Sebastian swooped though the sky after Jo, leaving the now revealed Daniel behind.


Sarah reached her car, stumbling the final few meters. Her chest was tearing apart, she was heaving with emotion, not even knowing what she was feeling. Jo. What had happened, what was he? How could this happen? This was the end of everything. She fumbled for her keys, not finding them in her state, instead crumbling to the floor. Daniel was soon at her side, she could see him through her tears, rumpled, muddy, yet gorgeous. She stood up, anger igniting and pushed him back.

‘You. You, stopped him. What are you?’ And she Copyright 2016 - 2024