Grip Trilogy Box Set - Kennedy Ryan Page 0,300

I had to, but I didn’t actually think it would come to that. I didn’t actually think Jade would object enough to cut herself out my life, or cut me out of hers. Either way, we haven’t spoken since that day in the studio. I sent her an invitation, but she didn’t respond. I want to text her middle finger emojis and let her know I don’t give a fuck, except Ma’s right—I do. It hurts, but today isn’t for regrets or recriminations. It’s for Bristol and me.

“You’re okay with it, though, right Ma?” I cast a searching glance at the woman who has been the guiding force of my life. “With Bristol and me, I mean. Now you’re okay?”

My mom looks back at me with deep affection in the eyes roaming my face before she answers my question with one of her own.

“How many men want to have breakfast with their mother on the morning of their wedding?” She sits back in her seat and crosses her legs.

I shrug. I didn’t think about it. It just feels like I’m about to turn a corner, like the ground is about to shift beneath my feet, and my mother has always been with me for every transition, large or small. It’s always been her and me against the world. Me getting married . . . it feels a little like the end of an era and the beginning of something new. Starting this day with the woman who got me where I am . . . it felt right.

“I didn’t hold back my opinion when you told me you were in love with Bristol,” Ma says. “You’ve always known I didn’t want you bringing no white girls home.”

My heart sinks in my chest. I’m prepared to take these next steps without the support of my friends and family, but it’s bad enough not having Jade. Taking such a monumental step without Ma in my corner, especially when I thought we had come so far, it would hurt.

“But then I met her,” Ma says. “And ‘them white girls’ became Bristol. That girl loves you, and you love yourself some Bristol.”

Her humor and the relief that she does seem supportive after all coax a chuckle from my throat.

“True that,” I say with a smile that lingers on my lips even after the laughter dies.

“Let me show you something.” Ma bends to her purse and pulls out a small bag discreetly etched with Chelle’s, Bristol’s favorite jewelry store. She passes the bag to me, urging me to open it with a nod of her head when I just stare at it blankly. “Go on. Look.”

I pull the delicate tissue from the bag, finding an ornate box inside. When I crack it open, there’s a brooch tipped with a crown studded with diamonds. I’m pretty sure the brooch’s stickpin is platinum, and this must have cost a small fortune.

“Read the card,” Ma says, watching my face carefully for a reaction. I find the folded card hidden in the depths of the tissue.


I know it’s unconventional for the bride to give her future mother-in-law a wedding gift, but I really wanted you to have this. As soon as I saw this crown, I knew it belonged to you, #GripzQueen. I want to thank you for so many things, for giving me a chance though I wasn’t what you originally envisioned for your son, for making me feel like part of your family, something my own parents weren’t always sure how to do. Most of all, thank you for raising such a magnificent man. He is the man of my dreams. When I thought of my husband, I didn’t dream in color, I dreamt in character. My own father’s left much to be desired, and I only knew I wanted something different from what I saw in my parents. I have that with Grip, and it’s because of the remarkable character you instilled in him. So, thank you, Grip’s original queen. I would like to be a daughter to you, but I will accept friendship. Whatever we are, we both love Grip – Marlon – more than anything else in this world, and we’ll always have that.

Thank you again,


I FIGURED I would cry at some point before this day was over, but I didn’t expect it to be before it has even really begun. I’m sure my mother loved this, was pleased by it, and that’s great, but I read between the lines of this letter Copyright 2016 - 2024