Grip Trilogy Box Set - Kennedy Ryan Page 0,194

fingers tremble against my chest.

“No,” she whispers, her eyes searching my face. “I don’t think most people ever do.”

“It’s painful.” A hefty sigh heaves from my chest. “It’s precious, though. I won’t give it up.”

Pain tears my heart in half as I look at the woman who, on more than one occasion, went hungry sitting across the table making sure I ate—who literally went without so I could have.

“I won’t give her up for anyone.” I lean to kiss her forehead. “Not even you.”

“I only wanted . . . I only want what’s best for you.” Her bottom lip trembles, but she traps it in her teeth, eyes to the concrete floor. “A woman who knows how to fight. Who will stand with you and understands you. Who would do anything for you.”

The irony of it runs me through like a sword.

“You always said you prayed I’d find someone just like you. As fierce as you, ride or die like you, as strong as you.” I shake my head, rubbing her fingers between mine. “You don’t realize your prayers were answered, exceeded. Why do you think I fell for her? Bristol’s just like you. Don’t miss that because she doesn’t look it on the outside.”

“I can’t make myself want her for you, Marlon.” She doesn’t waste tears, but her eyes are sad. “I’ve always had this idea of who she’d be, and a debutante from New York isn’t what I was expecting. I guess we mothers always have expectations. We always assume we know exactly what to do in every situation.”

“Well, most of the time, mothers do . . .”

My words open up a path in my mind I hadn’t seen before.

Dammit. I’m an idiot. Why am I just now considering this?

“Ma, I need you to do something for me. Someone I need you to call right away.”

Chapter 37


WHAT DOES ONE pack for a trip like this? Will it really matter? The whole world will end up seeing my ass on Parker’s upper deck off the Amalfi Coast.

I hold the pantsuit I bought at Fashion Week last year up to my chest. I’m not sure that Alexander McQueen’s fall line is fitting for what amounts to rape and ignominy.

“Needs must when the devil drives,” I mutter, tossing the grandma period panties that cover my whole butt into the pile. I’m not wasting my good lingerie on Parker’s sorry ass. As long as my things are on the bed and not in the overnight bag, it’s easier to pretend this isn’t happening. That I’m not going anywhere.

The doorbell startles me since Parker isn’t due for another hour and a half. I’ve been relishing every minute I have before he comes to get me. I peer through the small window of my cottage door.

“Mother.” I stand there staring at her. She’s been to my home exactly once since I moved into the cottage last year. After our fight the other night, I wasn’t expecting her to darken my door anytime soon. “Is someone dead or giving birth?”

She walks past me, not waiting for an invitation.

“Don’t be vulgar, Bristol.”

Mother’s eyes trace over the warm simplicity of my living room. I can’t imagine where she would find fault in the understated elegance, but then she never ceases to astound with her innovative ways to find fault.

“I didn’t realize death or birth were vulgar. My apologies.” I gesture for her to sit, but I remain standing. “What can I do for you? I thought we said all we had to say the last time we saw each other. I don’t have much time to spare.”

“Packing for your trip, are you?” Mother’s eyes heap disdain on my head. “Speaking of vulgar.”

My breath hovers in my throat, drawn but not released. How does she know? I mean, soon everyone will know, but I was clinging to my last days of dignity.

“Trip?” I choose to play dumb, but I’ve never been good at pretending to be anything but intelligent.

“Oh, God, Bristol.” Mother sets her Celine bag on the couch beside her. “From what I understand, we don’t have much time, so dispense with the games. What time will Parker arrive?”

I blink at her, disoriented like I’m an actor in the wrong play. I flounder for my line and wonder who this character is in front of me.

“Mother, what are you talking about?” I perch on the edge of the love seat across from her.

“Marlon’s mother called me and told me everything, so let’s figure out how to save Copyright 2016 - 2024