Grip Trilogy Box Set - Kennedy Ryan Page 0,104

Parker should be telling everyone soon enough himself anyway. But do I have the right? Grip finally seems to be moving on and giving someone a real shot. I’m still not going to be with him, so what would telling him accomplish? I should give them a chance, him and Qwest.

I skirt the edges of the crowd, waiting while he signs autographs, all the while encouraging Bop to keep writing, to enter the contest. I’ve never seen this side of him. Listening to the songs he writes about his childhood and his old neighborhood, I suspected it, but seeing it firsthand is an entirely different thing. An entirely better thing.

Meryl steps out of the crowd until she’s standing with me.

“I’m glad you invited me.” Her broad grin pushes the glasses up on her cheeks. “This is a great add for the piece.”

“Speaking of which,” I say. “Grip has a session soon, making some last-minute adjustments for the album. We better get him into the courtyard for your interview before it gets too late.”

I make my way through the crowd until I’m standing right behind Grip, waiting for him to finish the last few autographs.

“You enjoy managing my son?” Ms. James asks at my shoulder.

I turn my head, startled to find her so close, those eyes, so like Grip’s, trained on my face.

“Yes, very much.” I clutch his leather jacket and hoodie a little closer. “I manage several artists, but Grip definitely has a special place. He’s like family, being so close to Rhyson.”

“So he’s like a brother to you?” Ms. James asks.

“Something like that.” I lick the lie away from my lips, turning to offer her a smile. “We’ve known each other a long time.”

I see a good stopping point, and know I have to dive in and get him out before he starts with another group.

“Excuse me, Ms. James.” I smile politely and press my way to Grip’s side.

“Hey.” I touch his elbow, drawing a sharp glance from him. The smile on his face, the light in his eyes dies when he realizes it’s me. That look drags a serrated knife over an open nerve.

“Sorry to interrupt,” I say softly. “But we need to get into your interview with Meryl. I think you have a session this afternoon, right?”

For a moment, it seems he may not even acknowledge my question, but then he nods and turns back to the crowd.

“Gotta go, guys.” He raises his voice to be heard by all who are around. “I’ll stay longer next time.”

“Sorry to break things up.” I look up at him, searching the rigid lines of his face for any softening. He flicks a glance my way with a barely discernible nod.

“Oh, here’s your stuff.” I extend the jacket and hoodie to him.

“Thanks,” he mutters, slipping the hoodie over the plain white T-shirt he played basketball in.

“Sure.” I look over at Shondra to give myself something to do while things feel so weird. “Hey, can we head to the courtyard for the interview now?”

“Of course,” Shondra responds. “Follow me.”

Meryl gets a call on our way to the courtyard. While she’s on the phone and Shondra is a few paces ahead of us, I search for something to break this awkward silence between Grip and me.

“I didn’t know you were taking online courses.”

“And I didn’t realize it had anything to do with managing me.” He looks straight ahead. “So, why would I tell you?”

He quickens his steps to catch up to Shondra, to get away from me. I notice his shoulders relax, the handsome profile lit with a smile as they talk about old times in these halls.

It’s like a slap across my face, his indifference. Or was it rejection? It all feels the same now. In giving him his chance with Qwest, I wasn’t prepared for what I would be giving up. Whatever existed between us, even the friendship I’ve grown to treasure over the years, will never be the same.

Chapter 15


HE’S GOING TO be number one. He’s going to be number one. He’s going to be number one.

That thought buzzes around my head as I obsessively check the numbers on Grip. It’s Prodigy’s first release. It’s the thing I’ve poured everything into for months. With two number one singles already under its belt, topping the album charts would be a crowning achievement. It’s critically and commercially beyond anything we could have hoped for. Reviews are glowing. Sales are shockingly good. By the time Meryl’s story goes to press, Grip will be Copyright 2016 - 2024