Greyson (The K9 Files) - Dale Mayer Page 0,51

the main part of the house. Which would be foolish because there was no need for it, and it just alerted everyone that the guy had returned. And, if the kidnapper was back and didn’t know Greyson was here, the guy would find out now.

Greyson pulled out his pocketknife from his back pocket and shifted it to his front pocket, where it was a little more accessible. And then, with the rope in his hand that he’d used for Kona earlier, he slowly moved through the downstairs, looking out each of the windows to see who and what might be moving outside. But, of course, nobody was moving. It was quiet as a mouse out there.

But somebody had done this.

He quickly sent out a message to Badger and then to the cops that Greyson was checking the grounds for an intruder. He didn’t think anybody at the police station would care because it wouldn’t be enough of an issue yet. But he didn’t want to see this go down with nobody knowing they had a problem.

Badger immediately called. “Watch your back.”

“Already in progress,” he said, “just not terribly comfortable right now.”

“Did you contact the police?”

“I did,” he said. “Not sure they give a shit though. I’m pretty sure they think we are nothing but problems.”

“I’ll contact them,” Badger said. “Keep that little boy safe.”

“I plan to keep all of us safe,” he said, “and, if Kona wants a fresh leg bone to chew on, I’m okay with that too.” And he meant it. He’d about had enough of this asshole tormenting Jessica and Danny. He hung up with Badger and crept upstairs to tell Jessica. “Stay here with Kona and Danny. I’m gonna sneak out and do a sweep of the property. Be right back.”

“How soon?” Jessica asked, the fear evident in her gaze and her tone.

“Give me fifteen minutes.” He nodded, patting her shoulder. “I’ll be back.”

Jessica did as instructed and waited. What a long time fifteen minutes became in this situation. Finally, just as the lights turned back on, Greyson texted to say he was at the French doors. She slipped downstairs let him in. “Nothing?”

He shook his head. “Nothing. I also checked the utility pole and your outside meter. The meter had been turned off. I flipped a switch, so obviously you have power again.”

“But you didn’t see Frank or evidence that he had been here?”


“You should have taken Kona with you,” Jessica said, yet the fear remained in her gaze.

“Not leaving you and Danny without a guard.”

“So what do we do now?”

“We wait for him to return.”

Greyson figured Frank had doused the lights to confirm where Greyson was. So now Frank was well aware that Greyson was in the house. And Frank should know that meant Kona was here as well. So Greyson expected a full assault the next time Frank appeared. Greyson had been on the couch for hours after dinner but didn’t dare sleep. Frank was hanging around outside, waiting for just that scenario to take advantage of.

Then Greyson heard it.

The snap of a twig.

He waited for the second sound of Frank’s approach before Greyson sent off two texts, one to the local cops and one to Badger. Again.

He pocketed his phone and headed toward the noise on the other side of the house. At the top of the stairs, Kona was at the ready, the hair on her back and neck all ruffled up. She stared at him, waiting for him to give the command. He held his finger to his lips and said, “Quiet.”

He did a sweep through the first floor of the house, and, as he reached the glass doors at the rear of the house, he looked out and saw a shadow moving across the backyard. He watched as the shadow faded into the greenery along the left side.

Even as he watched it, he could see the movement of the trees as the person edged closer to the house. He shook his head at that. “That’s just stupid. And that mistake will be his undoing.” Just as the guy reached the spot where no trees were up against the house for several feet, Greyson slipped over to the laundry room door, where he expected the intruder to make an entrance. As he watched, the knob turn under the intruder’s hand, yet Greyson had locked this door earlier. He stepped up and behind the door. Somehow this guy had managed to unlock it from the other side. Frowning, he waited. Out Copyright 2016 - 2024