Gravity - By Abigail Boyd Page 0,82

and there was another big test today. Mr. Vanderlip seemed fonder of tests and quizzes than he was of his chalk.

But Theo didn't show. I flipped through my flashcards absently, hoping I was prepared enough. I had been up on the phone for an hour last night with Henry, his soothing voice asking me questions and nearly lulling me into a trance.

A few minutes before the bell rang, my phone beeped a text alert. It was Theo, saying I'm not coming to school, I'm sick. Doctor's office. Sorry! Hope test goes okay. Theo texted novels the same way I did. She had been complaining of the sniffles and a sore throat yesterday, I recalled. I sent her a get well text back and went to class.

I was happy I had Geometry first hour, only because I could get the test out of the way so it wouldn't be on my mind all day. I was confident I more than passed, but didn't want to speculate. More than anything I just felt relieved. I didn't celebrate until I received the paper back with the grade on it.

I missed Theo in gym, although luckily we were only doing yoga poses led by a college instructor, so we kept busy. The lesson was complete with new age music. I was jealous of Lainey's flexibility as I wobbled from one pose to another. She was still pretending I didn't exist, which was a relief as well. I wondered if her parents had coached her on ways to avoid retaliation for my still-bruised nose.

In Art, the empty seat that Theo usually occupied made me lonely. I felt selfish depending on another person so much for companionship, but it had helped so much to pull me out of my introverted state. Theo was so different from Jenna in so many ways, but we had already become quite close friends when I wasn't paying attention. Part of me felt like I was betraying Jenna by moving on. But part of me argued that perhaps she had betrayed me.

Art class itself had taken on a relaxing atmosphere. We were still deep in free painting, and now that I didn’t take my attempts at art so seriously, I was actually enjoying myself.

I picked up my brush and dipped the end in brown paint, working on a ropey-looking horse's tail. In actuality it looked more like a camel than a horse.

Henry seemed tense, shifting around in his seat. Without Theo there, I didn't check myself in looking at him. Twenty minutes into the hour-long class, he got up and asked Ms. Vore for hallway permission. Since I pretty much always involuntarily looked at him whenever he moved, I gazed up at him and was surprised to see him staring intently at me. Either me, or the poster behind me of the talking pencil. He didn't smile like he normally did when our eyes met. What was going on with him?

He left the room, and didn't come back. I couldn't help checking the clock as the minutes ticked by. Ms. Vore was too busy helping other students with their paintings to notice.

Out of nowhere, the fire alarm started blaring. It was so loud my ears hurt. I dropped the paintbrush in my rush to cover my ears. The muddy paint made a splotch on the floor.

"Okay, everybody, let's go," Ms. Vore said calmly, already standing at the door. Everyone lined up, shuffling out into the hall. Our teacher remained as unruffled as could be, although I saw her push her glasses up her nose and it reminded me of Theo.

I followed the quiet procession of kids, strangely somber. I was the last in line since I sat in the back corner. But as we were heading down the hall towards the exit, I imagined I heard someone calling to me from down the hall. It wasn't the same voice that had called me when I saw the little girl, but it was almost an echo of that. The same strange urge that I was being pulled manifested again.

I suddenly had to find Henry. He could be in danger.

I ran down the hallway. Ms. Vore didn't notice me because she was already at the exit. I walked quickly, swinging my arms to propel me forward, hoping I could find him fast and get out. I had no idea what had caused the fire alarm to go off, but it couldn't be good.

Further into the school, the electricity suddenly went out. I froze, Copyright 2016 - 2024