Grave Signs - Ivy Asher Page 0,78

and rocks would look a little overexerted as he goes, but Vudu seems like he’s directing fuzzy bunnies for all the strain that’s present in his large frame.

A deep crimson glow follows his every move, and the ground in front of us parts as easily as a hot knife cuts through butter. Boulders and stones roll over each other to make way for their master, and it’s not the Ophidian they bow down to, but Vudu. He’s the owner, the captain, the king, and the earth listens to his every command.

I’m transfixed by what he can do, his control so great that he even ensures the dirt and dust that moved in the air doesn’t land on us, and he quickly waves his hand and makes every single particle reattach to the walls.

Slowly, our group starts to walk again, and when I pass under another torch, I blink down at my arm, double-checking that what I’m seeing is right. I’ve brushed the walls of this tunnel several times now, but where I should have collected smudges, all I see is a clean, dirt-free arm and wing.

Vudu’s power not only created the tunnel we’re traversing, but he made sure that not one speck of dirt marred any of us too. It’s a level of control and mastery of his abilities that I’m in awe of.

My respect for Vudu soars. I already knew he was selfless, but his planning and ability to carry through with his own plans rivals even Morax. He allowed himself to fall into the Ophidian’s control, be used and subjugated by the maniac, and created this massive tunnel that leads to the Core of Hell, all to save Toreon.

In a short amount of time, I’ve come to care for both of them. But maybe part of the reason for that is because...we might not have time to waste.

An abrupt blaze of red light has me shielding my eyes, and it’s followed by a whooshing breeze of fresh air, indicating that the tunnel is finally open on this side. The smell of sulfur invades the space, but instead of it being a scent that repulses me, I’m surprised to feel reassured by it, almost welcomed by it, like it’s the same as a freshly baked apple pie or something normal people recognize as the scent of home.

Right past the sulfur is something else. A certain taste in the air. The more I breathe it in, the more rejuvenated I feel. I catch myself taking in great gulps of it, as if I want to drink it down.

Whoa. Nihil air is intensely delicious.

Slowly, the red light from Vudu’s power fades into nothing, and the shaking and noises stop. With all the dust settled, I watch as my hulking Terra demon steps aside for the red-skinned guards to lead the way into Nihil first.

All I can see from the arched exit is another shadowed room beyond. Since we’re in the back of the line, it takes a while for us to make it through, but once we do, my eyes quickly dart around the space. And it’s huge.

Judging by the crates upon crates upon crates filled with what seem to be glass bottles, I’d say we’re in some sort of massive wine cellar.

It’s tense for a moment as the guards span out, quickly and quietly checking the rows, like a librarian running around the stacks to make sure no one is getting frisky against one of the bookshelves.

I look around covertly, not moving my head in case someone is watching—like Morax. As my gaze slips over each and every Abdicated, I try to see if I can catch a hint of him in the way they hold their bodies or in their expressions. I mean, I’ve been held captive by him for weeks, been tortured by him for just as long. If I can catch him making a familiar gesture, maybe I can seek him out.

He might be able to hide his face, but he can’t hide who he is. Not forever, anyway.

After a few silent and still moments, all the Abdicated rigid and edgy, one of the guards finally calls out a quiet, “All clear.”

“Alright, you have your orders,” Shateel says to everyone, taking the helm.

I inwardly groan. Is Morax letting her call the shots so he can stay hidden? Well, fine. We’re staying hidden too. We may have different bodies and the look of complacent puppets dangling on his strings, but my sisters and I will beat him at Copyright 2016 - 2024