Grave Signs - Ivy Asher Page 0,62

much power, but my breaths are coming hard and fast for entirely different reasons.

I’m doing it because the heat of Toreon, this unusual connection that’s working its way through me, has traveled south. Way, way south.

A sharp inhale cuts past my lips, and without even realizing what I’m doing, I find myself needing to be nearer, to be pressed as closely as I can to him. I want to crawl into his lap, feel him against me, test his desire with my grinding hips. Then I want to crawl inside of him, burrow into his soul, claim it, and then crawl back out and let him inside of me in every way possible.


I hear his curse, but the inferno that’s passing between the two of us is too loud for me to focus on it. My pussy is suddenly empty and aching, and my clit sparking with heated want. It’s as though I’ve been waiting my entire life for him, for this, and now that it’s within reach, I can never let it go.

I rock against his shins, my body taking over without asking my logic for permission. There’s nothing but my dirt-streaked panties, blood soaked down one side from healing stab wounds to my stomach, and his ripped pants between us. But all at once, that feels like too much.

I try to move up closer, wanting—no, needing to line us up where I’m aching most. Toreon curses again as I nearly knock right into the miniature sun in his hands, but he manages to jerk his arms to the side at the last minute. It’s lighting up both our faces, casting us in a warm, golden glow that somehow makes him even more handsome than he looks in the shadows.

My blood continues to drip into him, his body drinking it up like roots to water, but I don’t feel the pain in my palms anymore, or even in my face. All I feel is the pull between the two of us, and this driving, insane need to have him.

I keep urging my hips forward, crazy with the desire to align myself, and even though I know deep down below this stunning warmth that I’m acting like a cat in heat, I can’t help it. As soon as my pussy finds his thick length beneath his pants, I shudder, my fingers tightening around his corded arms.

He’s hard. Deliciously, blessedly hard, and I nearly sob, so relieved to feel him, and yet so desperate to take his dick out to fill my emptiness up.

“Toreon, I need…” My voice is a whimper, barely recognizable even to my own ears.

“I know, sweet girl,” he says, his own tone sounding strained, but I have a feeling it’s not just from the draining power. “Almost…done…”

I mewl in protest, my eyes fluttering shut, because no, we’re not almost done. We need to do much, much more than this. If it weren’t for the fact that my bloodied palms on his arms are the catalyst to this joining, I would’ve already untied the front of his pants and dug inside to release his cock.

Just as I start to wonder if I can somehow do it with my mouth, the power in his hands flares so brightly that I have to bury my head into Toreon’s neck to keep the light from burning my eyes. But that just drives me wilder, because then my lips are pressed against his flesh, our chests touching with just my bra to keep us apart.

“One more second…” Toreon pants, and it takes great effort to turn my head to see what he’s doing, and just as I do, he picks up the metal cuffs that I’d knocked onto the floor in my haste to connect us. As soon as they’re all aligned, his hands move. He grabs the ball of light—now the size of a grapefruit, and I swear, when I squint at it, it’s almost like I can see another world inside.

Just as I try to lean in closer to see for sure, Toreon cracks it like an egg, and the yolk of the miniature sun spills out, dripping over the cuffs.

In seconds, all of the light has seeped out of the broken orb in his hands, and the cuffs ingest it, soaking it up like a drought-hardened ground soaks up rain. As soon as the last drop of light is gone, Toreon slumps, his body falling back onto the floor, and I land, sprawled out on top of him.

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