Grave Signs - Ivy Asher Page 0,170

to find that I’m not even a little bit sore from the lovemaking that went down. My feet hit the floor, and I find a perfectly folded pile of clothes waiting for me. To my surprise, there’s a note on the top.


I thought this was appropriate since it’s your first trip to the Hellgate.

See you soon!


P.S. Yes, you have to wear it.

“Oh no,” I mutter to myself as I put aside the note and find a folded pile of leather waiting for me. “Oh no,” I repeat.

I briefly consider ignoring it altogether, but...if it’s a sister thing, then I don’t want to mess it up. And maybe in addition to the sister thing, it’s important to wear the right outfit to the Hellgate? That is what the note said, so I suck it up. I mean, it’s just leather. How bad could it be?

Unfortunately, that question is quickly answered within the minutes it takes for me to wrestle the damn outfit on.

I thought the pants were going to be the worst part, but once I put new panties on, the pants actually slipped right on, probably because I’m still a little lacking in my usual curves. But I bet within another week or so of eating, I’d be jumping around trying to hike the things up.

The real trouble for me though comes with the top. I put it on backward at first, only to realize that the thing laces up in the front so that I can slip it behind me beneath my wings. Once I get the sleeveless leather midriff top on, it takes a good five minutes for me to figure out how to lace it up properly. It’s like a damn corset. Why it couldn’t just have buttons is beyond me, but I vow that this is the first and last time I wear this thing.

Once that’s done, I glare at the two leather arm cuffs still waiting for me. Grumbling under my breath, I slip them on, at least grateful that they aren’t gloves.

Now that I’m dressed, I take a look at myself in the mirror, and I have to say, even though it was a pain to put on, it looks good. I guess I won’t hate Delta too much for making me wear it.

I pull on some socks and dark gray boots that Ire got for me, and then I braid back my dark purple hair and toss it over my shoulder. Ready to go find my mates, I head out of the bedroom and walk down the corridor. I hear talking as I near the living room area, and when I walk through the doorway, I see all three of my mates deep in discussion on the couch.

When they see me come in, they all break out into their own varying smiles. Toreon’s is soft and adoring, Vudu’s is faint and protective, and Ire’s is a heated smirk, telling me he’s remembering everything that happened last night and causing a blush to rise to my cheeks.

“Good morning,” I chirp as I come forward.

They make room for me, and I see that they’ve already eaten off the various platters set on the table. I snatch up some kind of croissant as I sit between Ire and Vudu. “How come you guys didn’t stay in bed with me?” I ask before taking a bite.

“Sorry,” Toreon says. “We wanted to let you sleep, and there was something we needed to discuss.”

“Besides, you were sleeping hard. I think we wore you out,” Ire adds with a mischievous grin.

I take another bite so that I don’t have to answer, because they definitely did wear me out in the best possible way.

Vudu rests his hand on my thigh, letting his thumb brush over my pants. “I like this outfit,” he tells me. “I’m glad your sister had the imps shift it over.”

I smile and look over at him after finishing the last of my breakfast. “Leather does it for you, big guy?” I tease.

“You do it for me,” he counters.

I smile and press a kiss to his cheek. “Same.” I help myself to some kind of fruit juice before settling back and looking between them. “So, who’s going to tell me what you three needed to discuss?” I ask curiously.

Toreon and Vudu both look to Ire, and my head swings over in his direction, my eyebrow arched in question.

“We were talking about where the four of us should live. Permanently,” Ire begins.

I blink in surprise. “I thought you wanted Copyright 2016 - 2024