Grave Signs - Ivy Asher Page 0,160

or the best ways to breed and use them,” she scolds, and I feel Toreon and Vudu stiffen at the same time I do.

Is that what started all of this?

Disgust and anger roll through me. Is that how they see us? As commodities? I mean, I knew Morax did, but these are the founders of Hell. I expected so much more.

“Maybe Morax is dead, but the trouble he started may never have the same fate. We need to be vigilant. We need to find ways to protect the last of the Annuli and Gatekeepers. We cannot expect their children to bail us out of the next war that befalls us—and there will be a next one, there always is,” Wrath states. “Plus, not all of Morax’s followers died with him. There is still plenty of discord throughout the Rings.”

“We need to purge Hell of balance traitors,” Gluttony states around a mouthful of food, his bald head shining.

“Trying to do that will probably just create more of them. We could put everyone to work, show them again what we do is important and that there is no other way,” Acedia offers before yawning.

“We need to do a lot of things,” Lucifer announces before reaching for his glass of demon spirits and taking a slow sip. “We need to learn, adapt, and plan, but none of those things will happen here at the dinner table, so I suggest we adjourn to the war room and we stay there until we’ve figured out a better way to protect all the citizens of Hell and the other realms with them.”

All of the Sins nod and push up from their chairs at his command. The rest of us watch quietly, unsure of what to say as the room empties out, leaving only my sisters, our mates, Taz and Satan behind.

“Well, this should be interesting,” Taz harrumphs, turning to Lucifer with exasperation.

The Devil waves him off. “It’s time. The last one was ages ago. We need an update on the way we do things,” Lucifer says before looking down the table with a devastating grin that’s almost too gorgeous to look at. “Medley, you’re my new favorite for the time being,” he announces with a wink before he pushes away from the table and gets up.

“Hey!” Delta and I both object at the same time, and he smirks as he fixes the cuffs of his shirt.

“Step up your game, girls. Wreak havoc. Show me what you’re capable of,” he says as he meanders to the door. “Medley called Lust sweetheart and threatened to scythe her. I almost pissed myself laughing.”

I look over at Delta and Medley, perplexed, because I didn’t even see him crack a smile let alone laugh when we were all arguing. I guess he has a great poker face.

“Let’s do this again soon, Taz. You and your progeny really do provide the best entertainment. Oh, and before I forget...” With a snap of his fingers, Lucifer suddenly shifts someone in right beside us.

My mother blinks around in surprise, and the Devil shoots a wicked smirk to Taz. “Finish your celebratory dinner with your progeny, it’s only right. Then join us in the war room,” he orders. “Enjoy,” he adds with a glint in his eye, and with that, the Devil walks out the door with a spring in his step.

Our parents watch each other warily, and Nefta’s nose wrinkles. “Hell smells horrible.”

Medley cocks her head. “Really? Huh. I think it smells divine. Must be a demon thing.”

“Don’t drink the demon spirits, you’ll probably hate that even worse,” Delta says as she takes a sip from her glass.

Nefta looks around, clearly uncomfortable. I take pity on her, because obviously, she just got shifted here without warning, and it’s got to be a little intimidating to be around the triplets you gave up and the ex-hookup that you can’t stand.

“Um, should we eat?” I say, not sure what else to do. I was more than ready for this whole dinner to be over, but now Nefta just got portaled here—whether she likes it or not—so maybe sitting down for a meal is the least we can do.

Tazreel clears his throat and then gestures toward the now empty table. “Of course, yes. Nefta, would you like to have a seat and join us for dinner?” he asks, and even though it comes out a little forced and a lot stiff, it’s the effort that counts.

She nods once and moves hesitantly to a chair that Tazreel pulls Copyright 2016 - 2024