Grave Decisions by Ivy Asher Page 0,111

Gleamin’ silver armor for the Legion, and black armor for the demons, their swords like obsidian stone.

“Pretty impressive,” I mutter under my breath.

Nefta’s Legion soldiers remind me of the angels I saw in the club the first time I had a run-in with Morax. They’re all beautiful, polished, and winged, and there’s a distinct glow that just sort of sits under their skin.

Tazreel’s army is just as good lookin’, armored and pristine, but instead of a glow, they almost seem to suck the light from around them. They’re somewhat shrouded in a dark veil, and I wonder if I look the same way? Delta said we were half demon, half angel, so does our glowy half cancel out the light suckin’ half?

I look over at her and where she stands in the middle of her mates. She looks pretty normal to me, minus the bright purple wings and hair.

“You don’t even know who you’re looking for,” Nefta argues against somethin’ Tazreel said.

“And whose fault is that?” he counters. “If I had known about any of my progeny when I should have been informed, we wouldn’t even be in this mess,” Tazreel accuses.

“You’re right,” Nefta agrees. “If you had been in charge of them, Morax would have taken all three by now, and he’d probably be the God of this world because of it,” she snarks, and I frown, still tryin’ to understand why the hell he wants us so badly.

Tazreel takes a menacin’ step toward Nefta, and all the Legion soldiers tense, which then makes the Hell soldiers tense too. I can feel that we’re on the cusp of chaos, but I have no idea what to do about it. I rush down the steps to catch up anyway, my demons quick to follow after me.

“You know,” I call as I hurry over. “Right or wrong, I want you to know that you both make a very crappy first impression,” I tell them.

Nefta and Tazreel both turn to look to me, which I have to admit is a little intimidatin’. But dammit, Delta shouldn’t be the only one responsible for tryin’ to rein in their ridiculous behavior.

“I have yet to learn why you separated me from my sisters and left me to be raised as a human in the first place. And yeah, maybe you checked in on me from time to time, but it couldn’t have been that often since you lost one of us when we were three,” I point out to Nefta.

Tazreel shoots her a smug look, but I turn to him next. “I get that you didn’t know about us and you feel all kinds of offended by that. But for someone who seems to be really upset that we were kept from you, you’ve actually made no effort to talk to me at all. You don’t know a thing about me other than I’m related to you. So maybe it’s time for both of you to climb down from your high horses and focus on what really matters,” I lecture, takin’ them both in, and suddenly feelin’ an awful lot like how my mama must feel when she lectures me.

Nefta and Tazreel both stare at me. They don’t voice their frustrated skepticism, but I can see in their eyes that they’re not quite with me in what really matters.

Delta makes her way over to me and nods in agreement. “Yep. All that really matters right now is figuring out where Sable is and finding Morax so he can be stopped once and for all,” she announces.

“It wouldn’t surprise me if this is a case of where you find one, you find the other,” Jerif declares.

Delta and I share a worried look.

“You think this Morax guy already took our sister?” I ask worriedly.

Delta’s blue demon tilts his head in thought as he shares a look with Jerif. “If Morax somehow found out about Medley, would discovering Sable really be out of the realm of possibility?”

Delta curses under her breath, and dread fills my stomach. Just the thought of that hurts me. It’s one thing for Morax to try to come after me, I already knew I was a demon at that point—just barely, but still. What if he tricked Sable, and now he has her, without her even knowin’ who or what she really is?

“Maybe finding Sable and Morax isn’t a job for just Heaven or Hell, but something that would best be suited by both sides using their expertise to track them down,” Alder says Copyright 2016 - 2024