Grave (Dark Kings #2) - Shantel Tessier Page 0,7

runs it along my lips. I capture her lips with mine and take the pill from her. She pulls away, panting.

“Yours?” I ask.

“Already took it.”

Tossing her key to the floor, she rips my shirt up and over my head while I do the same to hers as we make it the rest of the way to her bedroom. She pushes my jeans down, and they get caught around my ankles, causing me to trip.

She giggles as she pushes her shorts down her legs before falling on top of me, not even bothering to wait for us to make it to her bed. Kicking my jeans the rest of the way off, I grab her hips and flip us so I’m straddling her.

She leans up and runs her tongue over the spike I have through my nipple. And I moan when she wraps her lips around it.

My hands grip her blond hair, and I yank her head back. Her mouth is open, and she pants. “How do you want it?” I ask. She goes to speak, but I say, “Never mind. I know how I want it.” I crawl off her, grab her hips, and flip her over. Then I’m yanking her ass up in the air. My hand comes down on it—hard—leaving an instant red print. She buries her face in the carpet, releasing a moan.

“Grave.” She pants, wiggling her ass up in the air for me because she knows exactly what I’m going to take tonight.



THE RINGING OF my phone has me opening my eyes to a dark room. I fall out of her bed and hit the floor with a thud, then moan at the pain that shoots up my side. It rings again, and I see it lighting up on the floor at the end of the bed. Crawling to it, I answer. “Hello?”

“Where the fuck are you?” my brother demands.

I had messaged the group text earlier, but I never checked my phone again after that. I was too busy with Lucy to fucking care what they wanted. “What time is it?” I ask roughly. My tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth. Feels like sandpaper.

“Are you high? Of course, you are,” he growls, answering his own question. “Are you at Kingdom?”

“No.” I run a hand through my hair, finding my way back into the bed. Lying down, I reach over to my right in the darkness to feel Lucy lying next to me, naked and sound asleep. “What … What do you want?” I clear my throat. Fuck, I need a drink to wash down this taste.

He sighs heavily, his anger fading, and my body stiffens. “We’ve been trying to reach you. I got a call last night …” He trails off, and my grip on the phone tightens. “It’s Dad, he’s …”

I lie silently in the darkness, completely and utterly still, waiting for him to say the words that I already know are coming.

“I’m sorry, Kyle.” He uses my real name, and my heart begins to pound in my chest. He never calls me that. I’m Grave. I’ve always been known as Grave, even to him. “Dad passed last night. He was found dead in his condo. They’re saying it was …”

I hang up.

The motherfucker is dead.

I saw him at our friend Luca’s engagement party, but I avoided him. I haven’t spoken to him in over six months. Before that, it had been at least three. He called to tell me that he was disappointed in the life I chose. That he didn’t approve of the drugs and women. As if I should settle down and get married—give him grandbabies.

I snort at that thought.

He never wanted to claim me as his. He referred to me as my mother’s child. Dillan was his favorite. He taught him everything he knows. Wanted to make a man out of him and groomed him for the family business. It never fucking mattered that Dillan and I do the same thing for a living. My brother may not do drugs, but he has his addictions. And my father knew them well. He just shared the same ones, so to him, they were a perfect father and son duo.

I get out of bed and use my phone as a light to make it out of her room, down the hall, and to her kitchen. The light streaming in from her floor-to-ceiling windows allows me to see better than the one on my phone. Grabbing a bottle of Jack, I Copyright 2016 - 2024