Grave (Dark Kings #2) - Shantel Tessier Page 0,50

wasn’t for Grave, I would have had to do that a week ago when it got destroyed.

Jasmine starts digging through her Saint Laurent purse next to me. Emilee and Haven sit across from us in our booth next to the window.

“What are you girls doing tonight?” I ask, trying to get my mind off it.

“Titan is getting off early today and we’re leaving town. Flying to New York for the weekend.” Emilee answers first.

“What are you doing there?” Haven asks, taking a sip of her water.

“Are you going to that sex club?” Jasmine asks excitedly. “If so, I want to come.”

“No.” Emilee laughs. “One of Titan’s friends is opening his restaurant tonight, and he invited us.”

“Sex club?” I ask Jasmine.

She nods quickly, pulling a lip balm container out of her purse. “It is cool as fuck. Membership only. Like a secret society, BDSM style.”

Haven rolls her eyes, and Emilee chuckles.

“Interesting,” I mumble, taking a sip of my diet Coke.

“I so want to open one here,” Jasmine goes on.

“Grave said he was going to the Airport tonight. I wanted to go,” I say. Obviously, it’s not McCarran or he would have said that. I can’t see the guy having a second job. Kingdom already takes up too much of his time. But what the fuck else would he be doing there? He didn’t say hey I’m going out of town for the night, be back tomorrow. So he can’t be flying somewhere.

“Oh, there’s no way Luca would let me go there.” Haven shakes her head. “I’m not even going to ask.”

“I would if we were in town.” Emilee frowns. “I can go with you girls next weekend for sure, though.”

“I’ll go with you,” Jasmine says, unscrewing the lid. “What about Alexa?”

“She can’t. She has to work the bar at night until she can hire more help.” I don’t get to see her all that much unless I go up there to hang out. The woman is a hustler. Owning two businesses doesn’t allow much time to play.

Jasmine runs her fingers through the lip balm and goes to put the lid back on. “Anyone want some?”

“Sure.” I reach out and dig my finger into it before smearing it across my lips. Then I rub them together. “Mmm, tastes like watermelon.”

“So good.” She agrees.

My lips start to tingle immediately. “What is this?” I lick them. The tingle intensifies to a burning sensation. “My lips are stinging.”

She looks at the container. “It’s actually nipple enhancer.”

“What?” I squeak, dipping my napkin in Emilee’s water and placing it on my lips.

“It makes them tingle,” she explains as if I don’t understand. “Enhances them for nipple play.”

“Shit. They’re on fire, Jasmine.” I hiss in a breath. I can feel them expanding like a balloon.

“I know.” She smiles. “I like it.”

“I wanna try.” Emilee reaches across the table and puts some on her lips.

“Why are you using that?” Haven asks.

“It makes your lips plump,” Jasmine answers in a duh voice.

“Why don’t you just get your lips done?” Haven offers.

“I’m not quite ready for that commitment,” she replies.

“Hmm.” Emilee nods. “I like it too.”

“What even made you think to put it on your lips?” I ask, holding the soaked napkin to my mouth.

“I tried it on my nipples one night. A guy was sucking on them, then kissed me. Boom! It’s my newest lip balm.”

Note to self: never use anything that Jasmine has on her. It’s like just say no when a stranger offers you candy. “What time are we going to the Airport tonight?” I manage to mumble, running an ice cube over my swollen lips. It reminds me of going to the dentist and your mouth going numb from the injections.

“I’ll pick you up around ten, and we’ll get ready at my house,” Jasmine answers.

“Isn’t that late?” I ask, the ice melting and running down my chin.

“If Grave is at the Airport, then he’s there to fight. And he’ll be the main event. That doesn’t happen until two or three a.m.”

“Fight?” My brows rise.

Emilee nods. “Oh, yeah. Grave kicks ass at fighting. The guy can’t lose.”

“He’s never mentioned it,” I mumble, wondering just how much I don’t know about him. We don’t have heart-to-heart conversations. I’ve never been the type of woman to push a guy to give me details about their life. Maybe because I’m not one for sharing either. But my life is pretty boring.



I STAND IN Jasmine’s bathroom, curling my hair. The room is bigger than my master bedroom. It has heated floors Copyright 2016 - 2024