Grace Anne - By Kathi S. Barton Page 0,7

and longer than his dad’s. They were both tall, though Michael was considerably taller at more than six and a half feet. And he was muscled. When he’d pulled her against his body she’d felt every one of them. Christ, she thought as she led the boy back to the door, she really did need to get laid.

She found him sitting on her couch. Drinking her coffee. When she and Trace came down the hall again and walked in he stood, but didn’t apologize for making himself at home. She didn’t know whether to smack him upside the head or…she wanted to smack his head, she decided. She walked to the door and picked up her keys.

“I’m leaving, Mr. Cunningham. And I’d very much like it if you left now so that I can lock up. As I’ve said, I have plenty of things to do today and you’re not—”

“I’m getting a bed today,” Trace said quickly. “My old one broke and I’ve been saving my money to get a big one. I’ve been saving my allowance for over a year. Why don’t you come with us? You and Dad can talk and I can get my bed.”

She looked at Trace. A bed? It seemed much too close to her own shopping today for her to think he hadn’t been told. She thought about Carol. “Did you ask Carol what I was doing today?” She didn’t believe him when he shook his head. It was the smile, she decided. “She didn’t tell you I was bed shopping too?”

“No. Are you?” She nodded before she could stop herself. “Good, then we’ll all go together. It’s Trace’s birthday. He’s nine today and you wouldn’t want to disappoint him on his big day, would you?”

“I thank you, but…I’m sure your son has a day planned just for the two of you.” And if not, she certainly wasn’t joining him. “I have a lot of errands to run as well. Then I have to go to the grocery store and—”

“My cake is at the store too,” Trace told her excitedly. “We’re gonna pick it up and take it to my grandma’s after we’re done. Will you come to my party? You can be my special date. Grandma said every man needs a special date.”

“I don’t…Mr. Cunningham, please tell your son that this isn’t a good idea. You and I…well, we have a history that we…I don’t think this is a good idea.” She wanted to tap her foot while he seemed to think over his answer. When he finally did answer she was sure this was going to be the worst day of her life.

“I think it’s a wonderful idea. We can talk about the building and I can help you both test out beds. I think you should have yours tested well, don’t you?”

Yes, she decided, she was going to smack him. She looked down at Trace who had the most puppy dog look on his face. She knew she was lost. She looked back up at Michael and frowned. “No business. None. And the first time you mention it, I’m gone. It’s my first free Saturday for over six months and I don’t want to talk business. Not that you could talk me into selling anyway, but no business. Is that clear?”

“Crystal. And for the record.” He was suddenly in front of her. “I don’t like being told what to do—in the bedroom or out.” This last part he whispered near her ear. It was everything she could do not to moan. And when he stepped back she nearly reached for him to steady herself. She was going to get laid if it was the last thing she did and it was not going to be this bastard.

Chapter 3

Michael was enjoying himself. He hadn’t expected to. In fact, he’d about decided that when they’d both came down from the hallway he was going to tell them something had come up. But her telling him what he was going to do made him feel a little vindictive toward her. And when he’d crowded her in the hallway he realized that he might have bitten off more than he could chew.

And Trace was having a great time. He had a way about him that Michael could see in himself. The kid was a charmer all right, and Michael loved it. The few times he’d turned to her for advice, she’d talked to him as though he was on her level and not some stupid Copyright 2016 - 2024