Grace Anne - By Kathi S. Barton Page 0,58

nine hundred dollars in cash, three Glocks, and two revolvers. He pulled out of the lot, trying to think where to go. He decided that it was time to pay the bitch who he felt had started this all with a little visit. By the time he got to the Washington building he had a plan and he was a happy man.

But pulling up in front of the building made him pissed all over again. Cunningham Construction was moving shit out. He wasn’t sure what had happened. He had only just found out the Washington building belonged to Grace a couple of days before. The fact that Grace owned it didn’t really surprise him; it was the fact that no one had bothered to tell him that she did. He felt, as a Cunningham too, he should be privy to the entire goings on of the company. He frowned when he realized why he might not have been told, but someone might have said something.

Thomas thought about going over and seeing if he could find out where she was. On the off chance that one of the peons might have a clue, he nearly had the door opened when he saw one of the guys from the office he sort of knew. Thomas thought maybe he was some mail clerk, but didn’t really care enough to waste much time on trying to figure it out. He slipped up beside him when he wasn’t paying attention. The man jumped when he noticed Thomas.

“Where are we taking all this stuff? I thought I was supposed to be here now, but I guess someone had the times wrong about when we were supposed to show up.” Thomas leaned against the car and smiled. “I’ve been working on some other project and forgot I was supposed to be here for my brother.” He hated referring to Michael as anything but his stepbrother. He loathed the man and everything he stood for. He told himself all the time that had he been the son of the new squeeze, he would have gotten all his father’s attention too. Thomas resented anything that came from Michael and hated that he called himself Cunningham.

“Supposed to be taking this to the main offices. Mr. Cunningham said we were to unpack it just like we packed it up. Even had us taking pictures of her stuff so we could set it up just the same. I guess she’s some sort of dressmaker.” The man said it like he was impressed.

“That’s right. I forgot.” Thomas snapped his fingers like he’d just remembered. “I’m having a brain fart of a day. Grace wanted me to call her when things were starting to get set up. I can’t seem to find the number she gave me. I don’t suppose you know where she might be, do you?”

“Yeah, she’s in Ohio with her family. Heard tell that they went there for a visit or something. Might be popping the question any day now is what I heard.”

Thomas shuddered to think about a dressmaker being in his family as the man continued.

“If you wanna be the one to call her, you’ll have to find the number from Mason. He’s over there near the truck.”

Thomas nodded and stood up. “Thanks. I’ll just go and see him now. Might get me in better with my brother if I call her and tell her that things are moving the way Michael said. She is a might bitchy when things don’t go her way.” Thomas laughed and walked toward Mason. He kept to the side of the truck as Mason directed things being loaded in the moving van. Thomas needed him to be alone and, the sooner he could get him there, the better. But luck was on his side. Mason was called away and, when he put his clipboard down on one of the chairs and walked away, Thomas walked up and took it off the seat.

“There you are,” he said as he found the address. Taking off the top sheet he stuffed it in his pocket and, after tossing the clipboard back on the seat, he walked away quickly. Like he was concerned about where her shit was. As far as he was concerned she was going to be a widow, long before she was associated with his family for very long.


“The doctor said I’m going to be fine. As soon as he clears me I’m coming back. My parents are coming with me and we’ll all Copyright 2016 - 2024