Grace Anne - By Kathi S. Barton Page 0,46

seemed to realize that because the third and the forth blows were harder, but it didn’t matter. She was beyond anything but him. Before his hand took her over the edge she found herself standing and leaning over the chair. Panting hard, she felt him behind her and turned her head at her shoulder to watch him free his cock.

“You’re going to pay for this, Grace. I’m not sure how much pleasure I can give you right now so if you find release, Christ, you’d better take it.” He plunged deep. His cock seemed to touch her throat. “Fuck, you’re so tight. And wet. I’m not going to…fuck.”

He came hard. Even as his cock filled her and his hands held her to him, she followed him. Reaching between her legs, she found her slick clit and pinched it. Her second then third climax was shuddering through her when he joined her fingers between her legs and brought her again. Grace felt the world fade away as she slipped into semi-consciousness.

Chapter 14

Thomas pushed the buzzer again. It seemed like forever before someone answered. He hated being put off and was sure that was what Michael was doing. First he’d gotten by him at work and now he was avoiding him at his house. The cocksucker was going to answer his question or hell would be paid.

“Where’s my stepbrother? I want to talk to him right fucking now. And I don’t want to hear any shit about him being unavailable. He, fucking, is always available.” Thomas took a deep breath and tried to reign in his temper. “He said he’d meet with me today and he’s late.”

“Mr. Cunningham is not in residence, sir. If you would like to leave your name, then perhaps if he calls in as he usually does, I will give him—”

“I just told you who I was. I’m Thomas Rutherford Cunningham, his fucking stepbrother. Don’t you fucking people listen? And what do you mean ‘not in residence?’ What the fuck does that mean?” Thomas looked over at the girl in his car. Actually, he’d been surprised to see her there. He neither knew her name nor where she’d come from. He wondered if she’d been someone he’d picked up or someone that had just decided to hop in his car. He had no clue. She was giving him the thumbs up, whatever that meant.

“It means that he is not at home. And I would prefer that you toned down your language a bit, sir. There is absolutely no reason for so much profanity.”

Thomas felt his head tighten. Yeah, he was high and a little drunk, but he knew that, as a Cunningham, servants did not talk to their betters the way this asshole was. His mother let them talk to her that way and so did his father but, by God, they were not going to speak to him like that. He started to tell the little prick that when his cell phone went off.

He barked his name into it and closed his eyes. There was that white light of pain again, the one that told him he either needed to take it down a notch or go into rehab for a few weeks. He decided that he’d like neither one, but taking it down was much better than no drugs. No fucking way.

“We didn’t have a meeting. I told you I’d get back to you and that’s what I had planned to do,” Michael said in that calm voice of his. “What the fuck are you doing threatening my staff?”

Thomas tried to remember threatening the man on the other end of the intercom, but couldn’t seem to make his head work. Before he could say that he’d not done it, that the servants were not to be trusted, Michael gave him a clue.

“Matt said if you ever talk to his wife that way again he will castrate you, then feed your tiny dick to the birds. What the hell is wrong with you threatening a woman in the first place?”

Michael took a deep breath, but before he continued Thomas broke in. He just wanted them all to do what they said they’d do so he could get this fucking business over with. “She wouldn’t tell me where you were. I’ve been calling your office all morning and you didn’t answer. Then I tried your home. You aren’t there either. The fucking servant said you weren’t ‘in-residence,’ whatever the fuck that means.”

Thomas looked at the girl again. She Copyright 2016 - 2024