Grace Anne - By Kathi S. Barton Page 0,44

the second knuckle. “Then I got to know you, the real Grace Anne Waite, and there was nothing I wanted more than to spend the rest of my life with you. Please say yes so that I can kiss you properly.”

She leaned down to him to do just that when she suddenly pulled back. His moan nearly had her smile. “What about Trace? He has to have a say in this—”

“Will you just kiss him already?” Trace said from behind her. “I can’t keep holding my hand over my eyes forever. I want you as my mom, okay? Sheesh, you people can’t do anything without a million questions.”

She started crying the moment her mouth touched Michael’s. “I love you,” she said. “I love you both so very much.”

Everyone was waiting on the front porch of Cain’s house when they pulled up. She didn’t wait for the car to come to a complete stop before she was out and rushing to her family. She was crying so hard that it took her several runs through them all before she realized that her mother wasn’t there. When she started to ask, Alyssa shook her head and pulled them all inside. She introduced Michael and Trace to her family.

“Holy shit, look at that rock,” Alyssa said as soon as she noticed the ring. “Oh my, I didn’t know you two had gotten that far just yet.”

“He just asked her,” Trace said to the group. “It took her forever to answer him, then he had to kiss her.” He made a noise much like a choking victim. “And all they do is kiss anyway. I can’t wait until it wears off or something.”

Cain kneeled down to Trace. “It never wears off, I’m happy to say. And who would this little fellow be?” Cain didn’t touch the puppy until Trace offered it to him. And, once he did, Cain took the little guy into his hands gently. Grace knew her brother liked animals, and especially dogs.

“Grace helped me name him. They were going to throw him out into the street but she helped me take him to the vet. We had to give him a name that he’d have to live up to. So we called him Walter Stuffinpuppy the Fourth.” Trace looked at Grace then back at Cain. “She said you have a little boy who would like to pet him. But she said I had to be real careful of them both on account of them both being babies.”

Cain looked up at her. “That’s right. His name is Connor. He’s almost three. But he doesn’t like to be called a baby anymore. He has a temper like your Grace does. So why don’t you come with me and I’ll introduce you.” Cain took Trace with him and he didn’t look back once.

“Come on in. We have a great deal to talk about and even more to share,” Alyssa said as she hugged her again. “I’m so glad you could make it. I’ve wanted to have you here for so long.”

“I wasn’t really given a choice. I was taken to the airport and then rushed into his plane before I had a chance to decide.” She smiled at her sister-in-law. “And I was just home for Lilly Pad’s wedding three months ago.”

“Yes, but now you’re going to be here for a little while longer.” She stopped at Alyssa’s words. “You did know you were staying until this is over, right? They told you that you’re being stalked and couldn’t go back to your building?”

“No, they did not. And I’m sure they have a wonderful reason for not telling me, too.” Grace went to the office with Alyssa. “I can’t stay very long. I’ve a business to run until…well, until. I have employees to take…son of a bitch.”

“Now, Grace…I don’t know what you’re thinking of doing, but please don’t do it in the house. I just had all the carpets cleaned and I so don’t want to have to explain to the housekeeper again why there is blood on the walls. It’s too hard to get out of damask.” Alyssa sat down and patted the seat next to her. “Come on. We’ll plan their demise together. Let me tell you what I know.”

After Alyssa told her that Michael had made arrangements to have her business moved to his building and had given her employees a month off with pay she was seeing red. Then she told her about the catalogue. That made her so pissed Copyright 2016 - 2024