Grace Anne - By Kathi S. Barton Page 0,27

let him have his way on some things and you do on everything.”

He snorted again. “Yeah, that’s why he has every toy known to man and more clothes than he could wear in three childhoods.”

“Connor want to have lunch. Connor is hungry.”

Alyssa smiled at her son. He’d just picked up the habit of talking about himself in the third person.

“Connor want french fires and catups.”

“Okay, but you have to have a sandwich too. How about a grilled cheese with pickles? Or a burger? And if you eat all of the sandwich, I’ll let you have a sundae too.”

Connor put his finger to his chin and looked like he was thinking it over. Cain laughed, got up, picked him up, and put him on his shoulders. They both seemed to enjoy the trip to the elevator like that. Alyssa was just telling her assistant they were going to the cafeteria when Cain’s cell went off. She knew that ring tone and was happy that he didn’t answer. His mother could be a real fun-sucker when she called.

“She’ll leave a message and, if she doesn’t, then that’s fine too.” He kissed her on the mouth as the doors closed and he leaned in to whisper in her ear. “If I can get Connor to stay with his uncle and aunt tonight, want to have a little fun with the toys I just got?”

Her body reacted like he’d touched her. She could feel her pussy get wet and swell. She nodded at him, afraid she’d be begging him to take her right now rather than wait until they got home. She leaned back against the wall of the elevator and looked at him.

His growl made her shudder. “You keep looking at me like that and I’ll stop the first person I see and ask them to watch our son while I take you back up to your office and ravage you.”

“Okay,” she told him, and laughed when he growled again. “I think that the aunt and uncle thing is a great idea. We have that charity thing to go to tonight, but I’m pretty sure that between the time we get home and when we have to leave I can make you very…relaxed.”

“Deal. I’ll see if I can drop Connor off after lunch, then I’ll come back here and we’ll get a start on that plan.” He adjusted his cock and made her body heat. “Maybe I could skip lunch and just have you.”

“No. Connor hungry. Want grilled cheese and french fries then Connor want to play on swinger.”

“Its swing, little buddy,” Drew said as the doors opened on the ground floor. He ruffled Connor’s hair as he looked at them “I’m glad to see you two. There’s a problem with one of the buildings on Tenth. We have a few people wanting us to change the venue for the building and they are sick of me telling them no. Wanna handle this one?”

He grinned at her and she knew she wasn’t going to like this. “What exactly are we using the building for that has them all up in arms? And don’t we already own that entire block?”

He nodded.

“So what the hell are they bitching about now?”

“We’re using it for storage at the moment. And they don’t like the fact that you’re making the other blocks surrounding you look bad because of the improvements you’re making on that one. They seemed to think you’re trying to outdo them.”

Alyssa rolled her eyes. “Of all the stupid… Set up some sort of improvement loans program. Make the interest low, but not stupidly. Have Nathan work with you on it; he’s been working on something similar on the Madison Project. Oh, by the way, there was movement on the money. Nathan came by just before Connor and Cain did.”

They were being seated in the large cafeteria and Drew joined them. “I know. I was tied up with the committee on ‘let’s be ignorant’ when the call came in. These people who are bitching, most of them are the same ones you bought the building from in the first place. Are you sure you want to lend them money now? They didn’t strike me as all that good with their money in the first place.”

“They have to put their buildings up for collateral. That way, it’s a win-win for us if they fail again.” Cain said this as he buckled Connor in the seat. She was laughing when he turned to them. “What? I think it’s Copyright 2016 - 2024