Grace Anne - By Kathi S. Barton Page 0,24

thought maybe it was time for him to get out of here before he hurt someone.

Chapter 8

Ginny watched the people leave the restaurant. She’d been at the big building when Grace Anne had left with the man and was surprised when they both got into the limo and left. She ranted for nearly twenty minutes before she realized she should have followed them to see where they were headed. Lucky for her, she saw the sleek limo parked right across the street from where she’d parked her car.

“You should just bring a gun and shoot her in the head. Then we could get out of this fucking town. It’s too…too everything, and I hate it. I want to go back to the house we had in Ohio.”

Ginny had gotten better at controlling the others. And they no longer needed a mirror to converse. She could simply hear them now, both Guinevere and Verrie. But Verrie was getting stronger as well. There were times, like last night, when Ginny had no idea what she’d done. It wasn’t until she came back that she’d realized that Verrie had killed someone.

“I don’t have a gun and, even if I did, don’t you think that the other dozen or so people might notice a woman waving one around shooting at her? Guinevere, do you ever think things through or are you forever flying by the seat of your pants? Fuck off and leave me alone.” Ginny waited for her to comment again, but she simply faded away. Seconds later she knew why.

“I know damn good and well we have a gun,” Verrie said. “I brought it with me when we left. But you’re right about shooting her here. Too many witnesses. If we get caught here Cain would probably leave us here to rot.”

Ginny didn’t comment. All she could think about was Cain. She wanted that man, and badly. She’d gone to him the day before they’d left to get him to give them money to leave and she’d taken one of his shirts. She’d also gotten the private number of Grace Anne.

Ginny had cut the shirt up into small strips and carried pieces of him with her wherever she went. Pulling out the small rectangle now, she buried her nose in it and inhaled. Christ, but the man smelled like sex. She smiled when she thought of what she’d done with a few of the pieces last night. Best climax she’d had in a while.

“Pay attention,” Verrie told her with a snap. “See that one over there? The younger one?” Ginny nodded. “He’s a looking at them like he wants to kill them. Think we could use him? I mean, it would be easier to get to the little cunt if we could get into that fucking building of hers.”

The system that Grace Anne had on her building was tight. And no matter how many times they’d tried to sneak in, someone would catch them and run them off. And that guy with the funny voice had told them that the camera had her picture now so, if anything came up missing, he’d give it to the police. Ginny had left and not returned.

“I know that one. His name is…let me see…Thomas. He’s the younger brother of the man. I’m not sure about him. When I was watching the older man the other day, Michael, I could see that that one is a little shit. He goes out of his way to be a prick and he’d be hard to control. And money wouldn’t work on him.”

Ginny had had Guinevere go to the big building downtown where Michael Cunningham worked and apply for a job. Ginny had seen the way the man had looked at Grace Anne and wondered about it. After they’d gone shopping together and then left for the day Ginny decided to get to Grace Anne through him. Now that they had a little more information on Michael she thought maybe he was going to be more of a problem than any of the other men that had attached themselves to the other girls. Ginny closed her eyes against the frustration of not getting any one of them.

“We just need to kill one of them. And this one seems to be our best bet. She lives here all alone and far enough away from the others that they won’t come in and start making our life more difficult.” Ginny agreed with Verrie. “Besides, she seems to have done all right Copyright 2016 - 2024