Grace and Glory (The Harbinger #3) - Jennifer L. Armentrout Page 0,57

arm, raising the hair.

Tony grinned, squeezing my hand before letting go. I watched him pick up a glass. “Apple juice. It’s amazing.”

“Yeah,” I whispered.

The Crone chuckled, drawing my gaze. “You came here for a reason, didn’t you, Trueborn?”

“Yeah,” I repeated, sitting back. It took a moment, but I pulled myself together. “Yes, I am. You know what has happened to Zayne?”

“I know that he was given his Glory and that he Fell.” The Crone sipped her wine.

“I told her that,” Tony announced.

“He did,” the Crone confirmed as my gaze darted between them. “Of course, he did so in the vaguest possible way.”

“Hey.” Tony lifted his empty hand. “I can only help so much. Them’s the rules. I didn’t make them, but I personally think that’s what I said, which was, and I quote, ‘One born of the blood of the holy sword will hold in her hand the heart of one born after a second Fall.’” He snapped his fingers. “Pretty obvious, right?”

I opened my mouth and then closed it.

One side of the Crone’s mouth curled upward. “Ah, yes, so very obvious.”

All of that sounded somewhat obvious now, but... Shaking my head, I refocused on the Crone. “I came to see if there was any way that you could help me. I need to lure Zayne to me and somehow...” God, I hated even saying this. “I need to incapacitate him without hurting him so that I can try...try to bring him back to the way he was. He can sense when I’m about to use my grace, and he’s very powerful and...well, he’s unpredictable. I need to gain the upper hand.”

“And what if you cannot bring him back to the way he was?” the Crone asked. “What if he is lost to you?”

My breath caught as my chest seized with pain. For a moment, I couldn’t vocalize what I’d already acknowledged I had to do. “I will do what is necessary to make sure Zayne doesn’t become a monster he would’ve hunted, but I don’t believe he’s lost to me. I know he’s not. I know.”

“So, you have faith?” Toby asked.

I looked at him. “I have...” I trailed off. Why was it so hard to say? Faith was a slippery thing, staying with you and then slipping through your fingers before you knew it. If I had time to psychoanalyze myself, I was sure it would have something to do with my absentee father, the loss I had experienced throughout the years and the general unfairness of life, but I didn’t have time for all of that. The important part was that I did. I knew that as I stared at the kid. There were moments when I didn’t. Hell, there were entire days when I didn’t, but even when I had doubts, and Lord, did I have a lot of them, I had faith that there was a purpose.

I drew in a deep breath. “I have faith. Maybe not always. Maybe tomorrow I won’t, but I...I refuse to believe that I would be put in this position with everything else going on, only to lose him all over again. I have faith in our love. He had enough faith in our love that he Fell for me. I have faith that what I feel for him will be enough to bring him back.”

Tony stared at me through eyes that seemed decades, if not more, older. He nodded, and I wanted to ask if the honest answer had been the right one.

“I can help you,” the Crone announced.

My head snapped back in her direction, and I almost couldn’t breathe. “You can?”

She nodded as she took another sip of the pink, fruity-scented wine. “You need a spell that brings him to you and also traps him.”

Traps him? Suddenly an image of Dean and Sam Winchester formed in my heads. “Like an Angel Trap? That sounds like some Supernatural-esque stuff.”

“Heh,” giggled Tony. “I’m a Castiel fan. You?”

I almost pointed out he seemed too young to be watching that show but refrained. He’d probably seen some crazy stuff. “I’m a Dean fan.”

“Of course you are.” His eyes rolled.

“I have no idea what you two are talking about,” the Crone said. “But yes, like an Angel Trap, I suppose. Well, more like a person trap, but that’s neither here nor there.”

My brows lifted as I saw an encircled pentagram in my head. I really needed to stop watching TV. “How do I create this spell—trap, whatever?”

“You will need a few things.” She Copyright 2016 - 2024